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Hello guys! Time for our usual report, this week we finished Lust Colony you can download it from patreon (here) or buy it in steam really soon (here). Turns out I forgot there was a 2-3 perdiod where the check your game. 

So what is next? Right now I'm dead and I'm doing all the administrative stuff regarding the release of the game but that won't be all. 

Next week NBNL is officially back on development and I think v.10 is not far off, since I was like 80% ready with it before sending it into the freezer. I'll probably add one or two new events but I'm confident that we'll have this new version up before new year.

And now it's time we start speaking more seriusly about Lust Survivor, this week I'll keep playing with character ideas considering the cast is now females and futas I had to do some ajustments from the orignal draft. So right now I have the character concepts, the idea for the look I've been showing in HS2 and a relatinship chart. Of course since this game is set in the same universe as Colony and Vessel the characters will be 2D (because a four armed girl looks like trash in HS2) so we'll start seeing the 2D version of this characters the last week of the year, I think. 

So that's our report for the week.

Have a nice day!





Why when the alle materials are full we don't have a chance, ooption to skip the work/reserch. I unplayble that way after all material rechad maximum each. Just nedd option to work or not becous it since the day one it happen and I can't keep forward becous you didin't implamentd the options "Work" or "Just look around (All material resorse at their maximum level)" But the game is good, but luck in option to "looking around" and "Work" each every day after each resourse are at their maximum. We can even progress, we been forcefull send to work instead. We want explor the earea. it that difficult to do that?


That was fixed in v0.7 or in 1.0 I don't remmeber well but it is already fixed. As well as the bed is now highlited so it's easiert to find where to skip the day


Would NBNL's MC get pregnant by futanaris in the future?


It will happen but only during at least one ending. Having any physical change that can't be easily reverted in a couple hours can have some big continuity issues.