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Hello guys! Sorry for the delay but here it is our progress report, the big news for the week revolves around NBNL v0.3 (here) and that we had some communications errors and we posted Lust Colony's preview on discord instead of here fro patrons only since we were the ones to commit the mistake we decide to let it be there and this week we'll have another preview and this time we'll have it in here. 

That was a longer intro than usual, but that kind of things happen sometimes. So as always what's new for Colony? We had the preview for Aurora and Sophie scene during the week and now we'll have a preview for Erika's picture. As you can see the hot springs map is almost ready, Airsum should finish it during the day but you can see how it look the "work in progress" part, aside from that things will finally speed up for the images of the game, the end of the semester is always hard on our schedule. 

For NBNL side I have mostly promises and intentions for today. On one hand while testing the game I noticed that the mornings ended up quite barren after Sienna and Lola's events so one of my priorities is to add some more events during the mooring. The big absence within the stuff we promised to you is the "Lust Vessel hentai" inside the game that I think that I should cancel it, making it in KK is possible but it will consume a lot of time just for a side thing instead of focusing in the game itself, during the week I'll remake the poll now that I know what can and can't do with KK, so I'll ask the first mates again if they have an idea, this show should be some side thing that characters watch and sometime talk about.

I'll just leave at that the report otherwise I'll end up talking for hours about ideas for the game, so that was our report for the week.

Have a nice day!




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