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Hello guys! Welcome to our progress report: We are done with 0.2 versions edition! As the title implies, NBNL 0.2 came out this week (here) and later today Lust Colony 0.2.5 is coming out later today (it's ready but we have to upload it).

So what else for Colony? In this version Sophie will be working to make a bathhouse on the mountains, so that will be the background for this version as well as it's different stages of construction same as the star port. On the other side Sophie is getting her swimsuit this week, so expect to see it next report or at least a preview of it. For V 0.2.5 there isn't much to talk, it's just a fix to v0.2, we added an arrow for the hallway exit, now options are easy to read without clicking them and there is no more spanish text on the build menu. For V0.3 the first step was that Agrosan wanted to remake Sophie's sprite since it was the oldest by far, now you can check the changes, it's not so big as when he remade Kate in the last parts of Lust Vessel. 

For NBNL, since v0.2 came out on Thursday there isn't any progress done yet. But version 0.3 should come faster than 0.2, mostly because there was much to design around the world for v0.2 , although there is still some things that need changes I really like how the base of the game ended up as well of how the story rework ended up, of course there was stuff that needed to change, like the fact that Shirley (the girl who gets a sex scene) got a total remake, so I had to change her scenes, but I hope there isn't much like that in V0.3, I really hope you like v0.2!

Now for the rework of tiers we talked last week, after talking it with Agrosan we came to the conclusion that it was more important to deliver on the promises we already made in a concrete sense, there is no image pdf for Colony nor officer's discord channel which we will fix this week and after we are ready with the stuff we already promised we'll add more stuff.

We hope you have a nice day!

