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Hello guys! Welcome to our progress report, this week most of our news a related to NBNL's remake and we have some few info about Lust Colony. We are centered on NBNL mainly because the game should be ready this weekend, to be around Sunday. 

The news centered around Lust Colony are mostly about Agrosan, next week he won't be able to do much do to things in his daily life. So instead of 2 weeks the game should be out in 3 weeks, we are sorry for that delay but sometimes you can't predict life and since we are for the most part a 2 man team, when one of us can't work it really shows.

Now for the good news, for NBNL's remake we have invested way more time planing and making it look good I'd love to show you the new GUI, but the most interesting parts include naked pictures, like Nicole's cellphone and our new main menu, we will post it on discord and twitter since we like how it looks, but at least we can show in here our detailed checklist. 


 Main menu → Ready  

 Cellphone menu → Ready

 Stats → In progress

 Map → In progress 

Feedback → Ready


Afternoon → In progress

Dream → Not started

For this version most of the apps in Nicole's phone won't work besides the stats screen, for now we decided to use words instead of numbers so instead of having 1 fitness you'll be "lazy" aside from that this version 0.1 of the remake will have mostly the story points of the original version 0.1. 

On the not relevant yet information, after about 2 years just this week I noticed that Nicole and Myra have a big resemblance, and considering we wanted to add references to Lust Vessel/Colony to NBNL sooner or later Nicole will be cosplaying Myra. 

That was our report for the week! We hope you have a nice day!!!



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