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Hello guys! Lust Vessel 1.3 is almost done, in fact it is coming out on Monday or Tuesday, aside from that we have some interesting announcements for version 1.4. 

As you may know, version 1.3 will have a scene replay room (mostly the one from NG+ but extended) and the scenes you unlock will carry on for you NG+ play, it about half way done for now and we are adding transition effects for all the scenes, it's kind of a tedious work but it will improve the game experience a lot. On normal side we are almost ready with the scenes and talking about scenes, for version 1.4 we are going back to our NG+ scenes, specifically the pet play scene that was supposedly going to be in this version and a new one that we are discussing with our first mates. So expect and officer's poll next week for that.

On version 1.4 you can expect a lot of reworks, specially for older stuff like scenes and some of the characters now the game will look even better than before and the game art will be more consistent, since those first ones were made in 2018. 

As you might expect we don't have much to talk about NBNL this week, I've been working a little on the game but mainly for fun, so things have been going slowly, but I've posted an image for the new character (will be only in Nicole's beach trip) but I like how she ended up looking.

Now as a side note, we talked a lot about releasing the game, but finally we are going somewhere, today we finally got all stuff to start making our steam store (we talked to other places too).  But this is a step on the right direction for us, in that way we'll be able to make a better and more polished game when we start working on Lust Colony on October, maybe we can hire some voice acting too! If we can earn enough money we might even work full time on our games, so things will end up way more polished and with lots of extra content. But at the moment that's still a dream. In any case that was our progress report for this week.

Have a nice day and stay safe!



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