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Hello guys! We have the usual weekly progress report with some improvements to our games and new content for other games. This week both Agrosan and I had some stuff so we ended up working a little bit slower than we anticipated but nothing to dramatically slow our work. 

Let's talk about the most important thing, release dates! We have 2 releases close, the first one is our last free version for Lust Vessel, it will be out next Monday and during next week we will have NBNL v0.5, on the other side Lust Vessel 1.1 will be out in about 3 weeks. Speaking about new content, Airsum's last bonus image will be out on Friday, after that she will start working on the game. 

Let's go into specifics about our work in Lust Vessel, on one side the game was intended to be out in 2 weeks, but you voted to add another scene, that's why we will have it in 3 weeks with an extra scene this scene will be some non canon stuff so anything can happen, we sent our message to our first mate tier patrons to ask about options for this poll and next week our officer tier patrons will be voting for it. This will be a complete scene with dialogues before and after. Now on the progress part of the game Agrosan finished the scene with the maevian cabin attendant, he had some trouble with it but now he is done with it and today he will start working full time on the scene with Selene also Airsum will be working on another scene between Kate and Selene. 

For NBNL we have some bigger news, we finally updated our interface for the game, now instead of just watching a lot of text you will be looking at some actual bio of the characters that will be updated with some of the events in game the interface will work by hovering over the names to make it easier instead of so much clicking (My mouse cursor refused to appear in the picture but it was over Elizabeth's name) Although I don't think it will be complete in this version due to the number of characters, but we also have some other news regarding the game, we have a triple tie in the poll we have at the moment to decide a sex scene for this version (here), the leading options are Nicola with Chelsea or Emily and Mika with  Rebecca so, a single vote could change the winner. 

And that was our progress report for this week! (We don't have any interesting trivia fact for today)

-Have a nice day and stay safe!




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