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Hello guys and welcome to the second iteration of our progress report quarantine edition, we have some good news for everyone, Lust Vessel 1.0 (formerly known as 0.18) will be out between Sunday and early Monday and since NBNL was about to come out around the same time we decided to make it available a little early, so NBNL 0.4 will be available for everyone on Friday (originally was going to be free on Monday). But that's not all even if Lust Vessel is on it's version 1.0 it doesn't mean we stopped making new content yet. 

Now for the progress of the games, Lust Vessel as you might guess is almost ready, we are just about a couple images away from having it ready but we heard that version 0.17 was with more bugs than usual so we will take an extra day to test it otherwise the game would have come on Saturday. Now we have started talking for real about version 1.1 which will have content for Selene and a new ennemy, about that enemy our officer tier patrons are already deciding who will be (here) for what it looks like it's between a maevian futanari cabin attendant or an Akedian party girl 

NBNL is already paralyzed since we are concentrated only on Lust Vessel for the rest of the week, but I want to make 4 or 5 sex scenes for next version, hopefully things go as intended, speaking about sex scenes there is a poll at the moment to decide at least 2 scenes for version 0.5 (here)

The trivia fact for this week is: you might have noticed in Lust Vessel nobody has a last name that's why in NBNL early version everyone had a last name (even when it's weird to say it) in some weird way to compensate it, but in Lust Colony we managed to get a middle ground.

That's all for this report, have a nice day at home!!




Lust colony will be hand drawn or 3d? I hope for hand style like Lust vessel. And futanari conten.


Hand drawn, we have previews for Sophie (The main character) and her boss so you can look what they look like. There is even a "hidden" picture of Sophie on Lust Vessel


Good to hear. And whant about lesbian and futanari action?


That's mostly what we do, if you are asking for Lust Colony the only confirmed characters at the moment are two human females and a valaqi female most we will be adding futas soon (when we start working)

morris ridgeway

Thank you. Most appreciated. Be safe and be well