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Hi-Hey folks! I have bad news and good news

Bad news- i lost my regular job because of COVID. :(

Good news-i lost my job, so i can spent more time for Patreon! :D

I have some cool idea for next pack- i call it: "BadAss/ LustAss'' :P 

Stay in touch-tomorrow i will show you the first girl and i hope you will like my idea! ^,^



Oof- sorry you lost your regular job- this virus sucks and is hurting a lot of people. But YAY to more smut!


Oh, very sorry to hear that 😔 It's great that you will have more time for Patreon, but I also hope that you will still be able to take care of yourself 🙏


I hope you will be fine !!!! And always happy with your new ideas, because they always have rich art !!! Good luck in your new endeavors !!!! =3


Thank you! (: I am fine. And the time has come for new opportunities! Opportunities to draw more and better ^ 0 ^


Sending all the social distancing hugs your way! 🤗🤗🤗


Sorry about your job I hope you'll be ok and carnt wait to see your idea.