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Hi hi ^^ We bring good news, and news that are less good for non-patrons but that won't affect patrons in any negative way.

First of all, we decided to increase the early access period to a full month, instead of just 2 weeks like we've done until now. 

  • That's what most people with genshin mods do on their Patreon, and it works well for them, so we are hoping that it might get more people to join. Patrons will also feel like they benefit more in relation to non-patrons.
  • Especially when I (Anilyan) have the goal to leave my job and become a full time 3D creator and more, it's kinda important that what Patreon makes me gets closer to a living wage. In turn, of course after that happens I will have time to create way more mods, which I'm sure no one will mind. That will probably also lessen the responsibility on Mimo4e to put out mods as frequently as she currently does (I swear I don't know how she does it).

On the other hand, you might like to know that the first mod released for characters in the current banners will be public immediately, on Patreon and gamebanana. That is, the current banners at the time of the mod releases, ofc. Their alt versions will still go in early access, but many people will get to enjoy the main version of those mods even if they are not patrons. Examples on how does this work:

Let's say we make 5 mods for cloud Retainer, and 2 mods for Xiao, and they are both in the current banners:

  • The first Cloud Retainer mod, and the first Xiao mod, will both have the base/main version be public immediately. 
  • The alt versions of the first Cloud Retainer and first Xiao mod will still go on early access for 1 month.
  • The other 4 Cloud Retainer and 1 Xiao mods remaining will go through the normal early access period before becoming public.

Other notes:

I'm taking this opportunity to remind everyone that, due to time constraints, we can't accept requests for all variations that people want. But tier 3 patrons get to request variations of our mods, and we usually do those fairly fast. You can always consider becoming a tier 3 patron once, get your request fulfilled, then downgrade or stop being a patron, so I hope this sounds reasonable. 

We might bring in more stuff into our Patreon. For example, teapot replicas. They will mainly be for the EU server, since we are both from EU and most of our accounts are there, but I have a fair share of layouts on the American server too, and I might eventually have some in the Asian server to make available. If people seem enthusiastic about this, I can consider prioritizing that a bit more. I have other ideas of things I would like to make, but... I will probably need to be a creator full time to afford to invest in them. And mods will of course remain the primary benefits of this Patreon.

Don't forget that we have a discord server based on SFW mods and inspirations (with the artists credited). It's also a good place if you are new to modding, since there is a whole About Mods folder dedicated to clarify everything you should know about mods.

That's it! I hope the changes compensate for each other and that no one feels like this is unfair.



Courage to you I wish you only success


I wish you all the best in the new year.