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Bis Ke was royally pissed.

Her Great Master had had her in a tight embrace, leaving her no room to wiggle free. Her whiskers twitched in annoyance, and her body squirmed and twisted, trying to break free from his grasp yet she couldn’t. Her Great Master held onto her too tightly! She would usually allow him to shower her with such love and affection, but not today!

A few minutes earlier, she had caught a whiff in the air and had been investigating what was behind it, and that was when she had found out that someone was here, and that someone was definitely not here with good intentions! They had this strangeness about them! She just knew! Her whiskers never lied! They were truth-tellers!

Bis Ket could feel it in her whiskers—something fishy was going on.

The yowls she had let out could have moved mountains, but her Great Master seemed utterly immune to her powerful voice, such magnificence! As was proper of her Great Master!

Her yowls had fallen on deaf ears as her Great Master swooped her away from that place just when she was about to catch the interloper. Now, she found herself cozied up against her Great Master. Don't get her wrong, the warmth was nice, but she had a mission to protect the Great Master. You see, he had been injured, and she had witnessed the distressing sight of his injuries when he had changed his clothes this once. They had mostly healed from what she could tell, but the scars… were ugly.

So, she wanted to help, to shield him from any harm, and to become his valiant guardian until he was back on his paws. However, with her trapped in this snug embrace, she wouldn’t be able to do anything! She would fail! She would fail to protect her Great Master!

She couldn’t.

She wouldn’t!

She let her body go all soft and floppy, as if she was nothing more than a fluffy puddle of fur. Before the Great Master could strengthen his hold, she slithered away from his clutches, all while keeping her cool. No yowls escaped her, for she knew the importance of stealth in this perilous moment. After all, she couldn’t alert the interloper, could she?

Once on her paws again, she shook her body and tensed her muscles with power and readiness, putting some strength in them. Those eyes of hers sparkled with an intense and dangerous gleam as she took in her surroundings.

She strode boldly into her Great Master’s grand mansion. Determination fueled every step she took, for she had a noble mission ahead, and she would be damned if she failed!

As she made her way through the halls, her nose picked up on something that stirred her disdain. The new Disciples’ rooms. The audacity of these mere mortals to occupy the same space as her Great Master. A scowl inadvertently crawled up her snout. In her eyes, they were weak, pathetically so. Unworthy of the title “Disciple.” She imagined herself unleashing her mighty claws and giving those weaklings a lesson they’d never forget. How dare they believe they were fit to bask in the glory of her Great Master’s teachings? They were too weak for that!

Bis Ke had, however, refrained herself from being rash despite her initial annoyance, she knew better than to act impulsively. She allowed those pitiful humans some time to prove their worth. After all, if her Great Master saw something in them, there must be some hidden merit, right? He was never wrong! He was strong, magnificent, and oh-so-handsome, he deserved only the best! And if these new Disciples were to be part of his inner circle, they needed to earn their place. She would wait and see for these pathetic humans to gain some strength—she would determine only then, whether they deserved to be under her Great Master and learn from him or not!

For now, though, this wasn’t what she should be focusing on. Shaking off those pesky thoughts about the weaklings, she centered herself and let her keen senses take over. The air was filled with scents, and she could feel her prey drawing near. She was near. Whoever, or whatever it was, wouldn’t live for long; she would make sure of that. Her eyes focused, Bis Ke moved with poise, her legs graced the ground as her paws made soft thudding noises. She walked with purpose, nose held high, and purpose she’d never had.

Finally, her eyes fell on a shadow covered in something… weird. She had no clue as to what it was, in fact, she couldn’t truly see it either—it was as if the creature was invisible. However,  her whiskers twitched in warning and she knew, she saw, as the man hissed about trying to be as silent as he could. She bit back the urge to click her tongue.

The hunter became the hunted, as Bis Ke plotted her next move.

She decided to play a little trick to catch him off guard and protect her Great Master.

She made her way around the interloper and, for her Great Master’s sake, degraded her to the old hazy memories of when she was nothing but a stupid creature.

Who would have thought this mighty young mistress would stoop to such lows? She had no option but to pretend to regress to a time when she was just a naive little creature, relying solely on her instincts.

Her face burned as the man turned to look at her with wide, unblinking, serpentine eyes, his back straightened to a point it might just break if there was just a bit more force put on it.

Cautiously, she maneuvered her way toward the man, making sure to keep her true intentions well hidden. It was all for the greater good, after all. And then, with the grace of a true performer, she went for it—she raised her leg with great effort and bestowed upon the mysterious man a tiny, dignified lick, while letting out a subtle but deliberate meow.

He let out a sigh—a signal of relief, perhaps? Or was it confusion? Bis Ke couldn't quite tell, but she knew one thing for sure—her little act had succeeded in diverting his attention and lowering his guard, even if just for a moment.

“Hey there, kitty, kitty, kitty?” the strange man, one that she had obviously never seen before, coed at her.

A twinge of shame gnawed at her. She prided herself on being a regal and majestic creature, only showing her tender side to her Great Master—the one she trusted with all her heart. To act in such an undignified manner in front of an outsider felt like a betrayal of her true self—as only her Great Master was allowed to see this side of hers, and only he was allowed to pat and scratch her.

Yet, she knew she had no time for internal conflict. This wasn't the moment for pride or vanity. The urgent matter at paw was protecting her Great Master from this menacing interloper.

With a flick of her tail, she set aside her feelings of shame, this was not the time nor place for that. Right now, her loyalty and fierce protectiveness were called upon, and she wouldn't disappoint. No, she wouldn't allow this stranger—this disgusting creature, as she saw him—to get anywhere near her beloved Great Master.

This interloper was here to kill her Great Master, she knew, her twelve whiskers told her so! However, this young mistress wouldn’t allow such a disgusting creature near her Great Master!

This creature, of serpentine nature—she would make sure he met his end.

The imbecile drew nearer, seemingly captivated by Bis Ke’s enchanting allure. Oh, the way her whiskers twitched in satisfaction when she saw her little act working like a charm! Though her true emotions remained concealed, she couldn't help but stifle a sly grin. She yowled once more and in a swift and graceful movement, she positioned herself between the man and her Great Master’s room, asserting her territorial authority. Her eyes, wide, big, and filled with innocence locked onto the intruder as she hid her true nature like a predator stalking its prey. There would be a perfect moment to strike, she would wait, she would strike. All this to protect the Great Master!

In a split second, the unthinkable happened—the audacious interloper had the nerve to lift her up into his arms, touching her noble forehead with his unsightly hands! How disgraceful of her could this be if she took this all in? She wouldn’t allow such a felony; only her Great Master was allowed to treat her as such!

Bis Ke’s pride was wounded, and she couldn't let such a disgraceful act go unpunished.

“Awww, should I take you with me- Wha!!?!”

The man’s words were cut short as Bis Ke unleashed her fury upon him. With a fierce hiss, she launched herself at his face, her claws gleaming menacingly in the dim light. Those claws held a promise of pain and agony for this vile intruder, who dared to invade her Great Master’s grand mansion! Under her watch no less?! And to think he touched her forehead—

Bis Ke’s head held high, nose in the air, as she snarled at the insolent man. Her sharp claw neared his neck, a mere breath away from ending his pathetic existence. How dare he threaten her Great Master's sanctum!

But then, in a startling turn of events, the man's true colors revealed themselves.

“Fucking bitch! You dare?!” With a snarl of vulgar words, he showed no remorse as his hand flew towards her, inflicting a searing pain in her side, his eyes glinting in a dangerous green sheen. Blood spurted from the wound, and she tumbled to the ground, her vision blurred and hazy.

How… was this possible? How could this be? The great and mighty Bis Ke… the Great Master’s Disciple, faltering against such a lowly snake? The disbelief weighed heavily on her heart.

With a weak yowl, she tried to put strength in her legs but the pain held her chained. She was too weak. The interloper seemed far from remorseful, his green eyes gleaming with malice

“Fucking hell man,” the interloper cursed yet again, and with a swift and ruthless kick, he struck her belly—the very same belly her Great Master lovingly scratched.

To be treated like this in her Great Master’s domain was a disgrace she couldn’t bear and tears threatened to fall her eyes. She no longer held the strength to even yowl.

Bis Ke had never in her life desired for power more than she was about now; she felt an insatiable hunger for power, a desire to devour anything that dared to stand in her path or challenge her Great Master. Not only that, but she also longed to annihilate any kin of this audacious interloper that dared sneak up on her Great Master!

She was grateful for her Great Master, for without him, there would be no Bis Ke! She would have been the same old dumb cat! He was her source of inspiration, the one who had transformed her from a simple cat into the magnificent being she was now.

She truly saw red this time—not from blood, but from an inexplicable, weird… translucent… thing. It was both warm and gentle, and it strangely smelled of her Great Master.

In the midst of her hazy mind, Bis Ke struggled to function properly. But even in her disoriented state, she was determined to fight back. She thrashed her body about, desperately attempting to make some kind of meaningful connection with whatever this was. And then, it happened—with a resounding click, something fell into place.

Disciple System Activated.


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