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Earlier today I made a post announcing that after my current ongoing projects, I'll be taking an indefinite hiatus from creating content. here's the post if you're interested https://www.jocat.net/

So then, with that being the case, I wouldn't feel comfortable continuing to make money off a promise I wasnt keeping. That said, I still have bills to pay, so I will be keeping this patreon going at least for however long it takes for me to finish Heart of Elynthi. I will also be making sure to upload whatever assets left over from the project for you guys to use however you wish. But after that is over, I am considering closing this patreon to go along with my hiatus online, as I do not feel comfortable taking your money for nothing in return.

I love making videos. I love sharing my videos with the world. But unfortunately people on the internet can be cruel, and if that's the tradeoff for posting them online, I don't think I'm comfortable doing so. Perhaps I may only share them here exclusively, but I'm not settled on that decision just yet.

Whatever the case may be, you'll know when I know. And thank you so so much for supporting me all these years.


Myr Lune

I regret not joining sooner - you've brought me great amounts of joy and entertainment. I love your honest and earnest content, your endearing personality, and especially love Gelnek in Dan Jones's campaign. I will absolutely check out Heart of Elynthi from the beginning, provided you keep the series up. Please don't disappear as that would give the abusers exactly what they want. Take my money and stick around please.

Ben Ryan

I wanted to put this up sonner than later but I found myself not finding the right words for this situation but I think I should at least add my own personal experience with your content, although a majority of the stuff I watched is your crap guide to most things when I saw you play FFxiv and made some more videos about it especially Lunarcon I tried it out myself and found a whole new world and experiences that I never thought possible with video games especially with other players. I was always so excited to see your next video or animation as they are always so clever and entertaining. I hope that you can continue to make the things you enjoy making and live the life that you want to.