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This year is coming to an end, it has been productive as always, although I admit that I still have to finish many pending commissions, but I'm progressing little by little.

Thank you for trusting me despite all this, I'm very grateful to all of you: current patrons and those who were former patrons.

Without your support I couldn't continue drawing, in other words, I would be nothing.

For next year I'll continue, perhaps the content of MLP will be less and we will try to go for another type of content to be able to vary and thus reach more audiences. 

I hope that this 2023 you start the year in the best way with your loved ones, friends, even your pets.

Thank you very much again for everything, I hope I can continue to count on your support. If you want to join, welcome, if you want to leave, also welcome.

And I don't forget to mention my Flair Projects team that is slowly growing creating interesting content.

A big hug to all and I love you.




Happy New Year to you too mate, also hope that you'll have a marvelous day! bug hugs too you ^^