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  • Name: Digital Dashliner
  • Nickname: Digidash, Digi, Tipsy Pegasus 
  • Occupation: Ambassador, diplomat 
  • Preferences: Gay (mostly bottom)
  • Small description:  Ever since he was a colt, he had been interested in the diversity of Equestria, its many other cultures and languages. He was a shy pony at first, but by talking to different ponies and creatures he began to enjoy the company of others, and became more outgoing. He made many friends all over Equestria by travelling the world, when he could afford it. After completing his education, he realized his dreams and became a diplomatic agent, making deals with companies and national representatives to benefit Celestia, and all ponies. 
  • About him:  He had been closing some of his impressive diplomatic deals with other species by displaying some "private" gratitude back at his hotel bedrooms. After being so successful with so many different deals from so many cultures all over the world, some ponies had become suspicious, and they spied on him. Eventually, one of them was able to get his "services" on camera, and used that evidence against him in court. He tried to defend himself by describing his actions as a cultural exchange, one that was only done after the deal had already been settled, but this argument failed to convince the judges and he was sentenced to prison. 
  • Prison sentence: 3 years

Info provided by the owner
