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  • Name: Spectre Phase
  • Nickname: Doc
  • Occupation: Scientific - Doctor
  • Rank: Professional
  • Preferences: Gay
  • Small description:  As well as Officer Dark, he is a changeling  of an unknown species, so he's considered as a hybrid, he has dedicated his  entire life in medicine, and he is also a specialist in preparing healing concoctions,  also has the ability to transform into another pony, he has saved the lives of many of his kind from various wars and epidemics. When peace has reigned, he left his home to seek a better life, but before left a successor in charge. 
  • About him: One day he learned that his entire species was destroyed by dark forces, so he's now considered the only survivor of his species. He has worked in different medical centers, and as a healer, always transforming himself into other ponies, however he can't stay in that form forever, he has been fired from several places, with the money he was able to raise, he was able to prepare his own concoctions and medicines, lives in a cavern in a deep forest where the bravest are looking for him to heal, one day some wounded officers arrived, they were cured, however they had no money, they offered him the job as a doctor in the penitentiary 'Fat Rocks', he accepted the offer, because with that money he could buy more  ingredients to prepare more concoctions and medicines, he works only half time and the remaining time is dedicated to serving customers who visit his cavern. 
  • Working time: More than 10 years



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