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  • Number: 514
  • Name: Marginal Recorder
  • Nickname: Argy
  • Occupation: Member of a mafia gang (?)
  • Preferences: Bi
  • Small description: He's the minor (but it is legal) of the band of tough guys, he is ambitious, arrogant and creative. Since childhood he had a passion for recordings and video productions, but with explicit content,  he received a work proposal from Runny, he didn't hesitate twice and he accepted it, because the pay was very considerable, he produces the recorded videos of the victims and uploads them on the HorseHub site which has had an excellent audience (and many incomes), you can always see him with a latest generation cell phone to record some sexual events on the street.
  • Case file:  Although he hasn't participated in fucking the victims, the material he had kept was more than enough to take him into custody along with his two friends, likewise, his HorseHub channel was closed and all the material destroyed, although he still keeps his cell phone.  
  • Prison sentence: 20 years



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