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Episode 7: A Not-So-Friendly cellmate

Phew! It was a very relaxing bath, after all, and I think I could do it in less than 5 minutes, I didn’t hear the boss again, so I can calmly return to my cell (I guess).

I need to see if my Tablet recharged its battery completely, or at least 80% is fine, the weather is still hot, and there is enough solar power.

"You can’t walk completely naked to your cell, silly!" - The officer who was taking care of the showers told me - "In the dressing room you can find your new clothes."

Great! The officer has returned after leaving the "poor pony" in the hospital, and he’s very right, it’d be very embarrassing to be naked all the way.

It's the same one I've had, but it's completely clean, I hope it's my size, I need to lose some weight.

That’s weird! While I was putting on my clothes, I began to feel that I’m liking them, maybe I like them more than my old sky-blue shirt, I hope to return home soon, I feel much nostalgia.

I miss everything outside, the street, my neighborhood, my house, my room, my computer, my customers, my friends, and more.

I can’t put aside all this, it's part of me, I've temporarily lost them since I'm in this prison, somehow...

"Could you hurry, boy?!" - Exclaimed the officer.

Well, I think I could of all those things when I get to my cell.

I quickly came out of the dressing room, I have to go back to my cell and I hope my Tablet is there, I'm not suspicious of my new cellmate (who is there waiting for me).

As I suspected, the other group was prepared to enter the showers.

As I walked I saw different faces, who watch me, some faces of fear and other faces of "I want to fuck your ass, Flair!".

Will the viewers have communicated with them? Wow! They don’t waste time.

"Boy, if you don’t hurry, I'll be the one to fuck that fat ass you have!" - Exclaimed the same officer, and he was behind me.

He decided to accompany me to my cell. Gee! Does he think I’m going to get lost on the way?!

I'd like to ask about Raptor (the prisoner who pretended to be sick to give the boys extra time), but better not, I think I've had enough for today.

I continued on my way with the officer, I saw another of them carrying shattered wood, perhaps from one of the cabins of the cells. What happened? Some aggressive spectator did this?

I don’t think that matters now (or maybe yes), the officers must have everything under control in these situations, I hope so.

I saw Officer Dark and Officer Loons waiting outside my cell, they were a little dirty with dust, the aggressor confronted them? Where's Officer Tony?

"Finally!" - Officer Loons said - "Your cellmate is waiting for you"

"Looks like you two are going to have a nice friendship" - Added Officer Dark.

Maybe I should ask for the officer, although it's none of my business, but I'm curious.

"And Officer Tony?" - I asked.

"He went to talk to the boss, 'butt slut'" - I replied Officer Dark - "Enter to your cage now!"

I don’t know why I feel that something serious has happened to him and they refuse to tell me; anyway, Officer Dark opened the bars, I went in, and he closed the jail tightly. Easy boy!

"I hope you take good care of the boy!" - Exclaimed Loons. - "Idiot!"

I turned and watched them walk away, Loons walked with difficulty, limping. They can’t fool me! (well, only in this situation).

Was my cellmate the cause of this commotion? I see small pieces of wood, dust, and a little smoke.

Before I could meet my cellmate, who is lying in bed, I checked the window and there was my Tablet (I suspired)

This place has begun to look different with his presence, well, I'll just have to get used to it, that's all.

How weird! I don’t see my cabin, just a simple bed, surely, he shattered it and caused serious damage to the officers. My hero?

Either way, it isn’t good for me, because that attitude only means one thing: he isn’t friendly.

I started to be afraid, I sat on the bench with my Tablet, at least I should try to talk to him, as peacefully as possible. I'm scared!

I see he has his hooves chained, making it impossible to attack, that's good (I think so).

In addition to being chained, he has a metal collar on his neck (similar to the one I had when I arrived in prison the first time), head down and quiet.

I worry about not having the cabin, and this bed is only for one, I won’t be able to sleep well tonight.

Well, at least I could sleep on the long bench, or maybe on the floor, I should ask if we could take turns, that is, tonight he sleeps in bed, and the next night he sleeps on the bench, and so on.

First things first, the presentation.

"Hello" - I said a little frightened

I waited almost 1 minute and he didn’t reply me, neither he moved, he’s alive?

“I’m… Creative Flair, mate” – I added

He still doesn’t move, maybe he should feel humiliated inside. Damn! Do these officers always have to humiliate all the prisoners? Although my cellmate has given them his beating, but, in the end, he lost the battle and ended up like this.

"Well, you must know that ... everything is fine, mate" - I said

I tried to touch him with my hoof, when I was close, he raised his head suddenly, I was scared and I stepped back.

"Sorry, sorry!" - I said - "I thought ... you were sleeping."

"Don’t be silly!" - He answered - "Who sleeps sitting?"

He ducked his head again. Phew! What a scare! But he’s not calm yet after the battle he had with the officers.

I don’t know what else to say him, maybe a random question?

"How hard you beat the officers, mate" - I commented smiling a little.

He raised his head again. Oh no! He stood up and walked over to me.

"Do you think this is funny?!" - He shouted at me - "This is very humiliating! Those officers are stupid! Want to see how have I fought against them?! Eh?!"

Oh no! This definitely went out of control. What do I do? What I do?

I stepped back to the bars, I hope he can’t reach me, because he is handcuffed with heavy metal spheres.

With all his might he has tried to catch up with me, he finally stopped.

"You're very lucky!" - He exclaimed. - "Damn!"

"Calm... down!" - I exclaimed frightened - "It wasn’t… my intention... seriously! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"

Your fight is not with me, it’s with the officers. It seems that he came back to himself, his eyes were lost for a moment, he looked at his hooves.

But what could have happened to my cellmate?

He kept going back and lay on the side of the bed facing the wall.

There are so many questions I would like to ask him, but I think I could wait a little, until he can calm down completely.

I sat on the bench, and stared at him with fear.

"I'm sorry!" - He replied - "Just leave me alone for a moment!"

It's okay! It's what he needs for now, maybe later I could talk to him more quietly.

I'm sweating! I walked to the bars of my cell, I started thinking about everything that has happened for now, I tried to assimilate, when these things happen, I have only ... to shed some tears.

So is! I always had that feeling in these types of situations, when someone tries to hurt you against his will, how I wish someone could come and comfort me.

I could see everywhere on the other side of my cell, the officers were gathered, but I couldn’t see the Officer Tony, I suspect he was badly wounded or maybe worse.

I listened to how boss Logic gave them the directions, mentioned that he’d need reinforcements, Officer Loons and Tony won’t be able for the moment.

How could so many things happen while I was in the showers?

I sighed, just dripped a few tears from my eyes, went back to the bench, checked my Tablet, I'm still not connected to any network.

I need to distract myself a bit from all this, maybe if I see some photos stored on my memory card, wouldn’t be bad.

I wonder, how will my customers be? They’re my impulse to do what I like, for now I can’t contact them, nor do I know if any of them are getting enough money for bail (it’s difficult but not impossible).

The only thing that would do me good to relax completely is a bit of masturbation, I'm going to need some magic and my hooves to achieve it.

I looked in my gallery for images that I can stimulate myself, I don’t think that the officers care what I do in my cell.

A few minutes later, I was touching my cock with my hooves, with my magic was stimulating my ass.

I only know basic spells, but I think it's enough for this moment, if only I could do something with my cellmate.

I stopped for a moment, I went to the bars, because I heard in the distance that the other group finished bathing, each went to their respective cells.

I stopped looking at what was happening outside and returned to my current routine, I saw that my cellmate changed sides and... he is fast asleep.

Poor boy! I would like to take those wrists and all those chains off so that he feels more free and comfortable, although he could give me a good beating this time.

I approached his side to see him more closely, he is well asleep, I would like to do something for him.

Mmmmmmmmm ... Wow! Look at his dick, it’s flabby, I wonder if ... I should do it or not.

What are you doing, Flair? Did you lose your head? This isn’t the time to think about these things, you hardly knew him for a few minutes, do you want more problems?

I argued with myself in my head, my face says “Yes!”, but my mind makes me doubt, I want to play with his penis, I'm curious, everything is coming on me. Ahhhhhh!

Why did I have to look exactly at that place? Why are you like this, Flair? Now it isn’t going to get me out of my mind.

My horsecock erected, I blushed, I'm getting hot. Damn!

Get out, blowjob desire! I can’t with myself! Shit!

I stepped back and sat down on the bench, I must look for heated images to distract my mind before it’s too late.

However, something stopped me before activating the screen of my Tablet, I left it on the bench, swallowed saliva and approached again my cellmate (who was still sleeping).

His penis is throbbing little, it makes me want to, I feel like sucking it Ahhhhhhhhh!

He has a little pre-seminal fluid in the tip of his dick, I approached my head to lick it with my tongue, I'm very curious. Argh!

Mmmmmmm! I started to savor it, and ... not bad for an aggressive pony, I closed my eyes for a moment to feel the taste better.

Well, I think I could try, it seems that didn’t wake him up, he's still sleeping like a log.

Good, Flair! It’s OK! At least you have achieved the first part, that's enough! You must stop! Don’t think in... suck it! Ahhhhhhh!

Shit! Why me? Well, I guess all this will end when I start blowjob. What other solution is there?

Seeing him well, it's a nice pony, and ... Bah! No more compliments! Less words, more action!

I returned my head to his cock, slowly opened my mouth to suck his penis and when I was very close ... Oops! He just moved!

I backed off! I went back to my bench, grabbed my Tablet and acted as if nothing had happened here, I became very nervous.

He just shifted, leaning back and his head staring at the ceiling.

That was close! Very close! I'll wait a moment for him to fall asleep again.

I was sweating, but I still feel excited. I want to continue! I must go on! But I'm risking a lot, I don’t want when he wakes up he find me doing that and then I end up with several injuries and fractures.

His penis is still erect and throbbing, at the tip there is another little pre-seminal fluid.

If only he had not behaved that way when we talked, I would be quietly doing a blowjob to him now, but, well, here we go again.

I‘d have liked him to return to the previous position, so it’d be easier to reach, now I must support my hooves in the bed to be able to stretch my head and reach for his penis, I'm being very careful as possible.

I got comfortable and slowly brought my muzzle to his cock, and always making sure he stays asleep.

Should I record what I'm doing to have it in my personal collection? Why not? Wait! Flair, you've definitely lost your head with this! But YOLO!

I left those ideas in my mind for a moment, I concentrated on using telekinesis in my Tablet and being able to suck his dick.

I opened my snout, I approached, once inside, I began to suck it slowly, if I liked the taste of his fluids, now I’ll like all his whole penis, and ... That's right! It's starting to like me more.

I was playing with my tongue inside, I forgot for a moment that he’s sleeping, and I imagined that he is awake, telling me dirty things, caressing my head, and all that.

The power of the imagination is enormous, I use it all the time, even in sex, it excites me more.

My cheeks were red, my partner was expelling more fluids, it is amazing how his penis works even though he is asleep, I wish he was awake and see him enjoying.

I checked if he was still asleep and saw in his face some satisfaction, as if he were having sex in dreams, but what he doesn’t know is that it’s really happening.

I started to suck him faster and tried to get his penis to my throat, I hope he can cumming soon to end this, while I still enjoy this moment.

It's a bit difficult to concentrate telekinesis at this time, it would be best to leave my Tablet back to its place, I stopped for a moment to do so.
I felt his cock begin to throb on the inside, I was sweating, my anus contracted and some of the cum I had stored fell.

My head told me I should have that cum inside me. Should I sit on top of him? I don’t think so.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm" - Said he asleep.

Is near! I want his cum! I want to taste it!

I stopped and he came in my snout, all the cum that expelled is now in my snout.

It's a regular amount! I slowly pulled my snout, got up, and immediately went to my bench.

He just moved again! Oh no! He mustn’t suspect!

I swallowed all his cum, and pretended to be checking my Tablet, he just shifted his gaze to the wall.

I haven’t checked if I have left drops of his cum in his crotch, I hope not, I can’t do anything now, he could wake up.

Anyway, the taste of his cum has been nice, I haven’t tasted it as usual, but it was good.

I just hope my cellmate has enjoyed it and hopefully soon I want him to fill my ass with his seeds.

It was a little short, but at least I was able to satisfy myself.

"It's time for breakfast, gentlecolts!" - The boss voice was heard in the megaphone.

Wow! I didn’t expect that! Although I just had a good breakfast recently.

Let's see what kind of food they serve here, maybe they can feed me something light for now.



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