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Episode 4: The Band Leader

It wasn’t one, neither two. THERE WERE THREE!

Quite so! I could turn my head back and saw them.

They were waiting for this moment (their smiles on the face said it), I didn’t think it was so soon, my rear is vulnerable. Dammit! Is this the punishment I deserve because I didn’t follow the indications?

What's next? Will they play with me? Here? In front of the officer? And why doesn’t he do anything about it and why he just keeps watching?

Needless to say that security cameras don’t issue any alert, they’re recording everything.

"Did you miss us?" One of them said.

"How small is the world, mate!" - Another added.

Do the officers in this jail allow prisoners to take advantage of the carelessness of other prisoners (and much worse if they’re in this situation that I am now)?

I’m confused, nervous, scared, and that has caused me to be immobilized, not even know any spell to get out of this, I should have learned something before being here, but how would I know that I would be in prison.

I turned my head forward and saw the officer approaching us. Wow! Am I safe?

"I see you haven’t taken notice of the indications, boy." - He commented

It’s true! I kept thinking about what these guys could do to me, and I put aside the most important thing: the indications.

Do you know what the worst is? I'm not ready for this, at least someone would have told me: "Flair, get ready because you're going to have sex with these three"

What else can happen?

"If you drop the soap, you lost!" - said one of them

"That's right, boy!" Said the officer. "You should have stayed in elementary school."

"I’m just... one day here, officer" - I replied - "Give me a chance."

I begged him.

"You will have it! But not now." - Said the officer - "I hope that after this you’re more attentive to the indications."

He turned and began to walk away from us. Great! Stupid indications!

"Owwwwww! It's a real shame that a boy like you is the first one we're going to punish." - One of them said

"And we thought we wouldn’t have more "fun" when we started to stay behind bars" - Another added

I stayed in the same position, my hooves held the soap and do everything possible so that it didn’t slip, I couldn’t do more, just listen to what they were plotting and wait for the moment.

"At least I would ... know ... your names" - I told them - "Maybe ... I can pronounce them ... when ... you begin ... to penetrate me."

Before I continue with this, let me briefly describe the appearance of them.

The first is a yellow pegasus, blue mane, sky-blue pupils and his penis color is a darker shade of his coat; the second, a pale blue earth pony with a gradient to sky-blue at the end of its extremities (as if they were entering below freezing temperatures), sky-blue mane with turquoise, golden pupils, and a dark blue penis with blue spots (sorry, I'm not very good at distinguishing and describing colors); and, finally, a dark gray unicorn, brown mane with gray, green pupils, and gray penis with a slightly dark tone.

The yellow one was who was near and in front of my butt, placed his hooves on my buttocks and began to open them as playing with them.

"Wow! What do we have here?" - He said - "Oh! I forgot it. I'm Runny, the band leader."

"Hey! A band of what?"- I replied annoyed -"Of rough guys?"

"Exactly, boy!" - He replied. - "I see you know us very well."

"We'll meet in the next few minutes, mate" - The pale blue one added

It was just a coincidence, I don’t really know them, just a few minutes before entering the showers, and I start to hate them.

I don’t need to know why they are here prisoners, because, in a few minutes, I’ll know.

The gray one began to record everything with his mobile phone, which was being levitated with his magic... Wait! How can he use a mobile phone? Or did he also have to make a "deal" with the officers?

I don’t have time to figure out the details, but he has the permission.

"You have a good ass, boy" - He said - "As a band leader, I must "analyze" the situation.”

"You are the best leader, Runny" - One of them added

"This is going to be a lot of fun" - Said the other

Well, they got me, I deserve it, this prison has its rules, which should be called "challenges", and there’re things that you shouldn’t do because you’ll be punished by its rules.

It's really... unfair, anyway, I'll just let myself go, what else can I do?

I saw that the other ponies of the group (where I was) left their respective showers, I don’t think they (or at least one) can do something to avoid what is about to happen, they’ll just enjoy the “show” in live.

For them it can be something brilliant, but for me this is humiliating, me around several spectators.

This is going to be marked in my life, happily nobody here is known, but I’ll still saying... What a shame!

I tried to cover my face with my hooves, but it was useless, I was paralyzed.

"Poor, boy!" - The pale blue one said smiling - "He’s very scared and can’t move. It's perfect, Runny! "

"I know! Although he reminds me the last victim" - he replied - "Unfortunately we fell into his trap and we’re here for him."

"We know perfectly, Runny, but this boy can’t defend himself with anything" -added the gray one, and continued to record. - "You'd better show me your best face to the camera."

Ha! How funny! How I would like to take your mobile phone and put it in your fucking ass, if only I could move. How lucky you are!

At that moment, Runny stopped opening my butt, rested his hooves on my back, he settled in such a way that he could place his cock in my hole, I still couldn’t move.

"I hope you've washed that hole well, boy" - he said. - "Don’t think we're going to be like the officers"

I started to laugh a little, I see that they don’t know me very well.

“I hope… so” - I replied - "Also, the first thing I ... wash ... are my ... genitals."

They began to laugh, and the pale blue one began to imitate what I said in a burlesque tone.

Inside my head I heard the following: "What a shame, Flair!"

I sensed the spectators whispering between them, and at the same time they kept watching and waiting for action.

Runny introduced his cock, I felt a slight pain, I felt he was struggling, but he didn’t even take his time lubricating my anus, being wet doesn’t guarantee that it’s ready to be fucked.

He pushed his cock slowly, until he stopped.

"There’s no doubt that you have been penetrated constantly for a long time, dear Flair." - He told me

Great! Now they also know my name without even wanting to introduce us.

"Ugh! Thank you ... Runny!" - I replied, panting a little, I couldn’t hide my excitement

And he began to penetrate me, pushed and pulled his penis that made me pant more

"Are you enjoying it, Flair?" He asked.

"Ah! Yes ... Runny ... ah!" - I answered and was panting

I felt a lot of pleasure every time he put it in and out, the sound of the shock of his balls with my ass excited me more, my cock began to drip pre-cum liquid, the noise louder because we were in a closed place, and because it was wet.

The constant penetrations caused my anus to loosen up and it made easily enter his cock, now I’ll be wetter by perspiration. Shoot! I'm going to need a new shower, but it will be after I finish what I started.

I sighed. Little by little Runny felt excitement like me.

"What a good ... ass!" - He exclaimed panting - "No doubt ... it's the best ass ... I'm ... fucking until now."

"I want some, too, Runny" - Said the gray one.

"Let me finish...  dudes!" - Exclaimed Ron excitedly.

They were muttering to each other, I think everyone wants my butt (including the crowds, and, perhaps, the officer), it's going to be difficult for me to put up with so many dicks in my ass (my poor ass), I'm going to end up in a coma (without exaggerating).

"Only these three, gentlecolts!" - Shouted the officer in the distance. - "Once the “show” is over, you must return to your cells!"

The spectators were annoyed, while those three have smiled.

So they had it planned, right? Wow! I'm very lucky my first day in jail!

Runny kept fucking my ass, I kept panting and pronouncing his name

“Oh, Runny! Don’t ... stop ... Runny! I'm all yours! Damn… it ... Runny!”

My emotional state was between annoyance, fear and excitement, although the latter was above, I couldn’t with myself.

He paused for a moment to place his hooves below my belly and hold it to penetrate me faster, and finally to be able to come.

In doing so, my head dropped to the floor and I dropped the soap.

- "Get ready ... boy!" - He exclaimed - "I'll fill ... your fucking ... hole!"

No doubt, to be a band leader of rude guys, is very good, and I see that I have caused satisfaction with just giving him my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ...! Shit! Flair! "- Shouted and he came.

I felt that inside me, the tip of his cock became thicker, and that his cum ran inside me.

"Oh... Runny!" - I exclaimed and made a loud moan.

After a few seconds he took it out, and his cum dripped on the floor. You don’t know how I love being creampied!

My ass wanted more (no doubt).

"Oh, boy!" - He exclaimed - "You’re unique!"

I couldn’t respond to what he mentioned, I stayed in that same position, although I could recover the mobility. Should I escape? No! I could make matters worse.

"Great job, Runny" - said the pale blue one - "Now it's my turn"

"He’s at his point, Icy! Go for it!" - replied Runny

Accidentally Ron mentioned the name of one of them, I saw annoyance in the face of who was recording everything.

"Wait! All the time I record what you do!"- Replied the gray one - "And that's all I do! It's not fair! I want his ass too! "

Between them they argued, and here I was waiting for the next one, I saw the spectators enjoying what they were doing to me, their cocks were erect, their faces thirsting for at least a few minutes of pleasure with my ass.

"You'd better hurry, gentlecolts!" - Exclaimed the officer. -  “You only have 15 minutes!"

Come on! Don’t waste time, my ass waits for you, and I feel that it won’t be limp as before, and if you’re going to fuck it is ... now!

"It's okay, Argy!" - Runny exclaimed. - "But first Icy, okay?"

So Argy is the bastard who can use his cell phone wherever, I’ll never forget him.

He couldn’t contain the joy of hearing his leader's comment, and I can see why he mentioned (minutes before entering the showers) that he had been holding for a long time! Yes! Finally you have your chance... with my ass.

And I thought that they had their part in their "business", but apparently he only records what his friends do. Wow! I wonder how good he’s in sex.

"Get up, Flair!" – Shouted Icy, the pale blue pony. - "Go against the wall, now!"

At the end these bullies made a decision... although should call them "experts in please someone" because despite everything they make you feel good; well, if your leader did this well, his members too (I guess).

I got up, not before picking up the soap, I wouldn’t want to be punished again if I drop it again, and so I must be warned from now on. 

I slipped a little, and went against the wall, that's how he asked for it! True?

I was no longer scared, on the contrary, I wanted to have more sex.

I got up on two legs.

"I'm ... ready, Icy!" I said.

My anus slowly dripped the Runny’s cum, who left me very full.

How will the next one? I’m very anxious.




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