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Greetings my dear patrons.

I am writing to inform you about the recent changes that have occurred in recent days on my Patreon.

My moderators recommended that I should make changes to the rewards and benefits for patrons, so I'm going to address the following points:

Public streaming and/or exclusive for patrons

I plan to do them, although the problem would be communication since I do not speak English, but we can communicate in writing.

Progress of the drawings will be broadcast (exclusive for Patreon), we can also possibly play some video games, react to drawings made by artists, react to memes, videos, among others, in addition to dynamics with the assistants, this will also be so as not to bore them.

It will be through Discord or another streaming platform like Picarto.

Special content

In addition to the recurring content: RTNAF, “special requests”, free content, among others, another type of special content will be implemented, which I will mention below:

  • Series: basically a drawing will have a continuation or sequel, as if it were a story, this can be done monthly.

  • Folios: will have different themes with characters posing or being in different situations, each folio can take up to 3 months.

  • Comics: they will have a short story and each page would be updated every month.

  • Animations: like folios, it can take up to 3 months.

The folios, animations and comics will have their respective credits where the name of the patrons will appear there. Surveys will be carried out to decide the content and characters that will be presented.

The animations and comics will also be published on the Patreon of my team called Flair Projects.

Special Requests

Now that there will be no more PYT (Pick Your Treasure), special requests will still be available, but only when you claim your PTC (Pledge Time Compensation).

PTC details will be shown below:

1) The data of the patrons is unique and non-negotiable.

2) Comprising from the date you joined or claimed the last PTC + multiples of 6 months (or until the last day you are a patron)

3) The number of days that is calculated in the number 2

4) Amount of credits you obtain monthly (depending on the level).

5) It is calculated as follows: [(number of months) /6] x (number of credits you obtain monthly)

6) 7) 8) and 9) It is calculated by multiplying by the number that is in the parentheses x (the result of the number 5)

From what you get in number 6 you can redeem one of the WILD CARD for a special order, but only once every 6 months.

Patreon Content

New content on Patreon will continue to be uploaded every half (approximately) and end of the month, and will take 1-2 months to be available to the public.

The posts will be censored to avoid future problems with Patreon for adult content, you can find the uncensored content in the attached files.

As always you can decide if you want your commission or ROD request to be public, by default it will only be exclusive to patrons.

Additionally, explicit content from non-legal characters (under 18) is not permitted.

Commissions progress

I still continue with the pending commissions, there are some that are “hold on” due to:

  • Hacking of my account: the details of those commissions have been lost, so it has not been possible to recover them, although there is the possibility of rewriting the orders by changing the details.

  • Patron banned for inappropriate behavior: there are some patrons who broke the rules and therefore lost access.

  • Loss of communication: contact has been lost with certain patrons as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth.

As for the others, we are progressing little by little, if you choose a style like FLAT DOODLE or FULL DOODLE, it will be completed a little faster.

In closing, I thank you very much for all the support you have given me. Without you I would be nothing.

You can write your suggestions in the comments.

Thank you very much, therefore, sorry for so little.



  • There will be streams for the public and exclusively for patrons, not only drawings, there will also be reactions to drawings, memes, videos and more.

  • More special content by voting in polls, and your name will appear in the credits.

  • Special request can only be obtained by PTC (Pledge Time Compensation)

  • About Patreon content: It will be published on 2 different dates each month, explicit content from non-legal characters is not allowed.

  • Pending commissions still continue, some details were lost due to hacked account, but you can rewrite the details or change them.

You can also go to the FAQ for more information (second sheet).
