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Hi everyone, how are you doing?

I have a lot to say today... I hope everyone reads it because it's very important.

Change in art frequency

I really appreciate all of your words in the poll that I've done. I've come to the conclusion that I need to change the frequency so that I can have better health and not push my limits too much. However, at the same time, I know that if I decrease my frequency, I'll be slowing down my growth... and I feel that I still don't have enough relevance, and the little relevance I have is very fragile. I'll explain my thoughts on this fragility to you soon.

So, the conclusion I've got is that I'll decrease the frequency to a minimum of 2 arts per week, posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays here on Patreon. Note that the frequency is a minimum of 2, but if I feel up to it, I'll do more to maintain my growth on social media. Due to this change in routine, there will be a slight absence in art posts as I adapt to the new posting schedule. So, there won't be any art this week, and I'll take the opportunity to rest a bit.

Change in my art style

As you may know from my Discord announcement, I've been sick this past weekend (actually, I'm still sick), so I spent the weekend lying down and thinking. I started to analyze things, and I think I've been doing things wrong. I know my growth on Twitter is relatively higher than average, and many people don't have the same growth, but I believe my growth is due to my extremely complex pixel art style. However, to create this type of art, I have to spend 6 to 12 hours...

Recently, I had the chance to talk to two artists who are my inspirations, and they told me they don't spend more than 2 hours on their art. So, it's somewhat unfair for me to create such complex and exhausting art and perform equally or even worse than digital art that takes much less time. In addition to these problems with the time it takes to make the arts, pixel art is also less appreciated outside its niche of fans. I was able to attract people outside the niche because of the high resolution, but it's not enough.

And also, some tips I learned from these artists opened my mind in relation to how to produce and present the content theme to be able to engage more with the arts.

So because of all that, I've decided to make some changes to my art:

  • I'll post digital art more frequently instead of pixel art.

  • I'll create more art of my persona, but my OCs will still appear.

  • In digital art, I plan to make the style as similar as possible to what I do in pixel art.

  • Cards will still be in pixel art and from my OCs.

  • Occasionally, I'll create pixel art, but only when I feel like it, such as illustrations like Dva or cool animations. In other words, when I want to create something really cool.

  • I'll also occasionally post pixel art if I have trouble executing an idea in digital art.

If I haven't explained anything adequately about these changes, feel free to ask questions in the comments my dears, and I'll make sure to answer for everyone.

Fragility of my Twitter

Despite my efforts to post my art on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Bluesky, Reddit, and Facebook, the only place where I've had significant growth is Twitter. This is because all the study I did for my brand and growth strategy was based on Twitter as the primary platform. The problem with having relevance on only one social network is that if anything happens to that network, you lose everything. Usually, people don't think about this because it doesn't seem like something that will happen. But recently, I've been at risk of losing everything due to Twitter.

In summary, my country's government and Twitter are having severe legal disputes, and there's a high possibility that Twitter will be blocked in my country. As if that weren't enough, if this happens, there are indications that my country's Minister plans to pursue and cross-reference data from relevant Twitter profiles that are Brazilian to apply severe penalties. Therefore, using a VPN to access Twitter will be risky.

I've thought about options in case this actually happens:

  • Take the risk, use a VPN, and hope everything continues as usual.

  • Abandon Twitter, post my work elsewhere, and hoping that you all will continue to support me in my new beginning.

  • Urgently move to another country.

I'm renewing my passport just in case I need to choose the third option. But for now, I'll just wait and see what happens.

I wanted to inform you all because this is a crucial element of my career.

Cards & Prints Club

I've already prepared all the packages for this month's delivery; they're just waiting to be sent out. However, since I'm still sick, I'll go to the post office as soon as I feel better. Probably this week! Oh, I promise this time I won't mix up the tracking codes!!

That's it! Thank you for your attention, my dears. ~
With love, Yumykon.



Phew, I had heard about twitter having legal issues there, but I didn't know it was that severe.. I really hope for you, that things are at least not gonna go the worst way.. :/ As always, I'm looking forward for what's to come! If worse comes to worst, I'll be sure to still support you elsewhere! And get well soon! ouo/


Wow i didn’t know any the legal disputes! Good luck on your new workflow, I wish you the best!