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I got a lot more people so I think I need to explain again how my rewards work again.

gets you a two character commission. Doesn't matter clean or lewd. But I do have limits on what I'm willing to draw.
gets you a one character commission. Doesn't matter clean or lewd. But I do have limits on what I'm willing to draw.

I randomly choose one or two people a week. in case one doesn't respond in time.
I will pick from both $10 and $5 equally.

Either way I will message you on Furaffinity, twitter, or patreon when it's your turn.
Everyone gets a turn. After I draw rewards for everyone. I start over from the beginning.
I'm also gonna put a list up


you can check here for who I need to do next. as well as who's turn it is. I'll put this link in my description too.


Dragon rewards

Sheet1 FirstName,LastName,Green means done. Orange meaning pending Red means not started ,Not done ,pending,Complete 10 + Reward,Two character commission Azure,Rebel Kuroi Kai,Hashi' Daltyn RelightCharge Werewollvieh Teyl Elan,Azlo Zqyva Bearpaw93 5 + Reward,One character commission TegirVaru Z...



Is this list still being maintained?


I posted a new list not long ago https://www.patreon.com/posts/current-patreon-66105441


Thank you very much!