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Recreated the game into a new project, so there is a new title as well. This seems to have fixed the crashing bug, unless it didn't.

added death scenes. There is a unique yiff scene depending on what you die to. The tanuki foe doesn't have one yet. using the default scene. Does anyone have any ideas for him?

Remade test level

added a sound

changed the hit flashes to a red glow, making it easier to to see iframes.

HP reduced to half for testing health pick ups and death scenes.



add one more foe

add a boss

add sounds

add ending

create level


How is the quality of the yiff pics? Are there improvements to be made?

I should point out that the game is playable on a gamepad, even on browser. Xbox controls. 

A jump

X shoot

B charge

resetting the game still requires pressing R on keyboard.



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