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hello c: 

all right, folders are sent out; 

i am really happy with the art this month, ngl c: 

all right so; i'm going to get a jump start on pride this year; 

so hmu with who you would like to have a drawing of, you can go up to 3 characters c: 



Hmmm... Wonder Woman and Captain Carter?

runner five

trimberly please <3


Kara and Lena perhaps Lena has redesigned her cape to be a pride flag. Perhaps they are in the sky.


I was thinking Catradora at an after Pride party, with Adora already hammered after one (light) beer and Catra being like "Yep, this is The One for me"


Jealous I never thought of this 😂 Got too caught up on Lady Loki


if im not too late for requests then cartinelli with cap!peggy 👀


Could I ask for Aloy, Beta, and Alva being little geeks and hanging out? I just want it so bad 😭


If that's too spoilery- could I get something with Alva and possibly Aloy? Alva's my favorite