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did they ever get an actual ship name tho ? 

anyway, some soft xena x gabrielle c: 




I don't think any ship in xwp had a name/mashup/whatever we got used to in the last 20ish years. Just a slash, like the true classic they were ❤️


Btw, love the bit less "formal" attire and Gabrielle's tattoo!

Jack Newbill

I think ldm313 is right. I don't recall ship names really being a thing until the mid '00s. The closest thing I can think of from the '90s was that couple RichAndAmy from the comic Zits--that creepy couple who were so clingy that they morphed into a single organism. And stringing their names together was supposed to be satiric rather than cute. And now I'm all curious and want to do a bunch of research on the history of ship names...


that does sound kinda creepy :0 i think the first time i saw a ship name was when the last airbender was originally airing c: you shouldddd that'd be really cool c:


As far as I know, the original ship was Kirk and Spock from Star Trek back in the 70s and they used the slash. Then there was the character x other character, then the names mashup, then whatever the RWBY fandom does coming up with thematic ships that nobody could identify when not knowing at least part of the story
