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okay so we're doing requests then lol: 

holiday themed --

  •  1 to 2 characters 
  • let's try to keep it around a PG 13, we can go a bit higher but y'all get what i mean lol 

i always feel like i have rules about requests but i think that's it actually lol 

a couple of requests were left on the last post i made, so if you made a request there and want to keep that one, lmk or leave it again in the comments for this post c: 



I'm debating between somebody turning the festively themed sweater concept to 11 and ending up cosplaying a Christmas tree and somebody being gifted as a prank a wrapped object that looks like something obvious (like this: https://tinyurl.com/2p92c9jr) but opened up is a pile of ingeniously shaped socks. So... your choice of what scenario and whichever character you feel like drawing


My go to character for the dumbass-who-tries-too-hard is always going to be Adora, or if you prefer to go for the prank gift I'd say... Winter after she gets adopted by the Happy Huntresses?