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like, yeah.

small, less fun announcement; it's possible I have this ulnar nerve neuropathy thing going on, which is to say, I can still draw but i gotta take it  easy for a few weeks;

I don't know how much this will effect the art amount for this month, but just to be safe probably expect significantly less art than usual because I want to get ahead of this thing;
please send good vibes my arms way lol 

to sort of round that out; i'll do that thing again where i include some oldies/favs and possibly some unfinished sketches/ideas that never got off the ground

anyway so, yeah hope everyone has a good weekend<33 






i will &lt;333 I don't really love talking about it on here, but i figured y'all should know what's going on; i'm gonna do my best to be positive and get it sorted c:


Oh no! The ulnar nerve can get really painful when agitated too... Wishing you the best 🙏🏿💙


thanks&lt;33 yeah thankfully there hasn't really been much pain, mostly just like, general discomfort. it's super annoying lol


Oh ok, I'm glad there isn't much pain then &amp; that you're getting it taken care of


Take it easy, hopefully is early enough that won't need extensive treatment


will dooo c: yeah i think it's going to be okay, never bad getting to take a little break if anything c:

Jack Newbill

eHugs, Pipes. Take it easy and take care.


sending you all the best vibes possible. you take care of yourself and keep going as safe and healthy as you can. your health is above it all


Yeah, I saw that drawing can be extremely taxing on the body, especially if some postural habits are less than good and piling damage without even knowing. I guess it's kinda obvious, but apart from current pain, have you tried preventive exercises to strengthen back/ams/elbows/wrists?

runner five (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 01:39:08 take care of yourself, do whatever you need to be okay &lt;3
2021-09-18 11:34:31 take care of yourself, do whatever you need to be okay <3

take care of yourself, do whatever you need to be okay <3

Ryan Giff

wishing you a lot of rest, good vibes, and a great recovery!! 💖


thanks c: yeah, getting to just take it a bit easier should help, and the kind words mean a lot c:


thank u friend&lt;3 i think it's going to be okay, and on the positive these things i was doing i didn't realize were bad i can correct early now


yeah and tbh i think that is what got me?? i work in a very low chair, 'cause well it's comfortable but, it does leave way for me to be in very awkward positions without realizing smh so i'm going to try working a different space, and that should help too c: yeah, i had some arm stretches i do before i start drawing, but i guess they were enough lol so i've been researching a little about some other stretches to do, and hopefully that helps c: thankfully there hasn't been too much pain? it's not like, consistent pain, sometimes i'll get some pain but mostly it's just a general discomfort and tiring out pretty fast; if you have any stretches/exercises you can recommend i would gladly accept those c: right now i have to work on keeping my elbow straight as much as i can, in a few weeks it should be cleared up and i should be able to start working on elbow strengthening things too c:


Couple of years ago I got tennis elbow without having played tennis once, thanks to a work related muscular imbalance and after physical therapy it disappeared but I still do the exercises daily to avoid it coming back. Mine were done using a rubber band, but I've seen what they do in this video is very similar: https://youtu.be/R37_inXpZ3g


oof, i'm glad it went away ! but yeah, good to keep up with the exercises c: ohh this is really good, thank you! c:


Of course! There's also dozens of videos with stretches focused on artists' needs, but rest is king when there's pain involved


all right, that's good to hear c: i'll keep digging and seeing what all i find, get in good practices and stuff now c: