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techincally this is 2 diff posts but thought it was a little extra to post twice lol 

anyway tho soo knight!weiss for this months final thank u piece! c: 

blake is up next month c:

i'm wrapping a few things up and getting folders together so expect those to be in your inbox by tomorrow c: 

thank you all for your support through this month; I had a lot of fun actually drawing this month and did some cool things, i'm really happy overall with the art this month, which is a nice change from march and february lol 

thank you again, i have some fun stuff planned in may i'm really looking for to sharing with y'all c: 

Thank you so much again for your support of my work; i hope you also enjoyed the art this month; 

onto may! c: 




Okay so I knew the Weiss one was gonna be awesome when it was colored but I was not expecting HOW DOPE IT ACTUALLY TURNED OUT MY DUDE! Also having never watched clone wars you always draw... I suddenly can not for the LIFE of me remember her name but you draw her a lot and I love when you do. May the Fourth be with you!


KNIGHT WEISS KNIGHT WEISS!!!!! Your outfit designs are always NEXT LEVEL. Wow this is incredible. But ugh I love the Star Wars stuff too. What a nice surprise 🥰🥰

Jack Newbill

Aaaaaa! Weiss looks so freaking cool! I love seeing her in more battle-ready attire.


OOOOO many thanks, friend! c: this whole knight thing is turning out to be a heck of a lot of fun so i'm glad you're enjoying it also c:


aahhhhh :D thank you c: yeah i'm having a lot of fun coming up with these, i was a little like, unsure of it at first, but it's been a lot of fun -- i'm looking forward to figuring out blake over the next month c: may the fourth be with uuu c: <3




omfg the weiss piece i knew you were amazing and that it would slay but i'm blown away!! it's gorgeous!!


late to the game bc I'm behind on everything in my life but F U C K this is AMAZING

plastic_pipes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 01:49:25 aaaayyyyy!!!! :D <3333
2021-05-08 05:51:26 aaaayyyyy!!!! :D <3333

aaaayyyyy!!!! :D <3333


I finally caught up on my life as far as looking at these and dude you made Gabrielle bUFF oh my goodness c: