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okay this was actually supposed to be a part of last months art and tie in with that cheetah snippet i posted, but then i didn't like how the first version was looking so i redid it lol 

I wanted to get down the version of wonder woman i've been thinking of down, this is all still a little messy.

taking inspiration from the how the current wonder woman run started  and wonder woman spirit of truth--
I really like the idea of Diana traveling the world, and learning about it in a more lowkey sort of way, still helping people as she goes but not out right jumping into big time superhero mode;

I would have the beginning still stay pretty much the same as usual, steve crashes on the island, she becomes themyscira's champion and takes steve back to the navy; I figure the army/navy would try to contain her, try to trick her into staying under their supervision for as long as they could, and she would see through them pretty fast but would bide her time a little; during the time stuck there, Etta is sort of the person in charge of her and Barbara Minerva is brought in to help teach her english and like, newer languages.  after a shortwhile she breaks out, her friends(etta, steve and barbara) help get her a fake identity and she decides to travel the world for a while, at least for a few years



plastic_pipes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 02:08:24 :D<33 hopefully will have time to finish the update for this like, this month lol
2020-10-09 19:19:09 :D<33 hopefully will have time to finish the update for this like, this month lol

:D<33 hopefully will have time to finish the update for this like, this month lol


[clears throat]
