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okay, so,  i had one direction picked out for how i wanted to do team rwby and their scars, but so as i was drawing it it wasn't really working but that's okay 'cause then this idea kinda came to mind, so, it's what i'm going to try for -- this idea of kind of, instead of drawing the scars huge and bright i like the idea of drawing attention to their scars though a more soft kinda way, sO . this is the first draft of that, i really yang and weiss' bit, but ruby and blake are still coming together. ruby is, particularly challenging since she doesn't have any physical scars, but i do want her to be a part of this, so, we'll see what happens. 

Maybe I can break it up into pieces, or, dk, maybe do 4 pieces each centered around a different member ?? idk, 

Also realizing this probably isn't gonna get done in the next week, but better to take it slow yeah?? lol 




Well obviously I am 100% into this. In any form. I like the idea of them all being together because I’m all for those team vibes. But Ruby is kind of tricky! You could do something with her eyes or the theory that she’ll lose one or both! Or something something emotional scars on the HEART Pyrrha, Penny, etc. Lolol Anyways you got this! Take your time! It’s gonna be great!


i love this to the shattered moon and back. the idea of having them all together physical and emotional scars is really what makes the entire show. it's about THEM so having them right there together as a whole, i think that's where you nailed this one. take all the time you need and honestly you're in the rightest path


thank you<333 this, is i'm thinking gonna end up going through a lot of stages ssdlsd so that'll be good tho, time and help thinking it through lol


thanks T-T i'm glad the idea is solid at least lol hopefully the picture doesn't take too much to flesh out c: <33