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okay so here's what happened, i saw the title character for this game Syberia 3, who looks pretty identical to lara croft, and i'm weak so i bought the game, but then i ended up actually really enjoying it lol
it's weird and i don't even know that i would, recommend it, but i did enjoy it, and theres another one in the process of being made and i'm p excited about that lol 

anyway, hope y'all are having a good week c: 




Oh she does look just like Lara. Lol. I’m good with it. These are all cute :)


Hi, sorry, does that robot have a HANDLEBAR MUSTACHE? Love it.


Is there a reason you "aren't sure you'd recommend it",

runner five

omg syberia! i’m so glad you enjoyed it. that series is so weirdly pleasing


I think part of it is that it's such an outlier for me personally; like, usually i have just, 0 patience for point and click adventures so i don't really know how to categorize it i guess? So it's the 3rd installment in this series, so I started it and just had no idea what was happening or what lol so I ended up pausing to watch playthroughs of the first two games on youtube and got pulled into the story and the characters, and i'm really glad i did that cause i then knew what was going on lol i wanna play through it again tho when i get the chance. im looking into getting the first two games, but i mean, definitely you can look up videos on youtube for them, see if it's something you might be interested in c: