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hey all c:
so it's march, the plan for the month is to draw a bunch of archers c:
ended up with a pretty big list, so this theme my pour into april too,
we'll see how it goes c: 

I am super excited though Ive had this in the works since January, I'm hyped c:

also gonna try to do another pretty short comic,  ya know, see if it was a fluke or something i am going to be able to do consistently lol 

also haven't forgotten about chibis, thats another one that are fun and quick to do, but i took a small break from them the last two months, so send me who y'all would like to see chibis of, ideally, i would like to get a few drawn this month and then next month, and include them in next month's folder. c: 

also would like to revisit an old supergirl design from a few years back now, but that's gonna, a maybe for the time being; 

so thats the plan for this month,
uuhhh, wish me luck lol