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In hindsight, letting the beer line run loose near the cheese-rolling race was not a good idea.  The baguette duels, however, introduced a new category of budget-conscious weapons for the city's defense force and was a boon for the local bakery.

If you haven't heard of the cheese rolling race that takes place annually in Gloucester, England, you gotta look it up!

Today's cameos: Oleg, Sperkle, Gohan, Sartharina, Labris, Mars, Tyro, Madcat, and Nixie.




Look how much fun the residents are having, but they also questioned the sanity of their queen as well.


Mix ze cheeze hunt wiz ze drunk party wazn't a good idea ^_^" ............ I feel "ouch" for ze eagle guy who iz cloze to get a cheese roll in a bad place