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Here's the second pass of the conga line ^^  And the spreadsheet to find your character: https://files.tigerknight.net/ssbook2-contrib-pic.htm  (Note: A few of the numbers are out of order in the conga line due to corrections/insertions.)

1. I'll be captioning your character's name in this picture, so let me know of any name corrections to the above. If there are parenthesis after a name, it means there may be more than one character of the same name, so be sure to find the correct one!

2. If you have any requests for minor character tweaks, extra accessories, etc., now's the time! (Kindly mention your character's position number so I can reference them quickly.)

I'll begin inking this piece later this week.  Fingers crossed that the computer (and myself) can handle it 🤞

(This post is public so former Patreon supporters can also give feedback.)




Minor update with some tweaks/additions https://files.tigerknight.net/contrib-2023_3-20231129-names.jpg


Ah, you got me (95) from the back... those darn wings, always getting in the way.