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Between working on the S&S book (which is starting to look like I won't finish in December), travel plans, and a whole bunch of other distracting tasks, I'm starting to run dry on comic ideas :o  So, I think it's time to go into sketch-requests-from-the-readers mode!  I want to fill up December's update schedule with doodles.

Let's try something a little different.  What if I provided prompts and you answered with things I can draw?  (Sort of like the old "Reader contests".)  Answer any or all (just number them)!  Or if you would rather submit a question of your own, go for it! 

Swords and Sausages

Swords and Sausages will be transitioning to a "world building" theme for book 3.  What are you curious about in the S&S world?  Respond with things I can draw as back stories, character interactions, and/or the usual hijinks.  

1. In light of the recent drama, the Queen declares a week of festivities to pacify the residents of Vale Valley.  What goes well, and what goes poorly?

2. The four adventurers (Garrett, Red, Cless, and Terese) find a job board.  What interests them?  (Individually or as a group)

3. Give Silver and Kiela advice for controlling a confused, clumsy, feral Tor.

4. Vale Valley has some... unique cuisine.  Some say it's an acquired taste.  What's on the menu?

5. The gator alchemist, Warrick, mixes a "love potion" with some rather peculiar side effects.  What happens?

6. The King's disposition has subtly changed after being transformed back from a rabbit.  How so?

7. The castle was never the same after the Bun-plosion.  What new feature got added during the repairs?

8. The Captain of the Guard is a fierce commander.  How does she punish insubordination? 

9. The kingdoms of Redstone and Sevenshore have been at each other's necks for years.  What was the seemingly inconsequential event that started the entire rift?

10. With the departure of Tor and Silver from Vale Valley, the Sheriff can now focus his attention on other pressing problems.  What's on the to-do list?

11. What's a regular occurrence Vale Valley residents face in their every day lives, that generally does not happen elsewhere?

12. What's the biggest thing Silver would have gotten away with, if Tor weren't in the way?

13. What's the biggest thing Tor would have gotten away with, if Silver weren't in the way?

14. Name a get-rich-quick scheme that did not work out for Tor and Silver.

15. Kiela, Altaea, and Warrick became good friends during their years studying at the Magic Academy.  What circumstance brought them together?

16. Convince the residents of Vale Valley they need to adopt a fire-breathing dragon.

17. The kingdoms call them the barbarians simply because they speak a strange language and act in strange ways.  In fact, the "barbarians" have a rich cultural heritage.  What's a cultural activity they could introduce to the kingdoms?

18. The Captain had mentioned the King goes out on a hunt every now and then.  What does the King hunt?

19. What is the recruitment process for the Thieves' Guild?

20. The Mage's Guild yearns for the day when the ban on powerful magic is lifted from the Kingdom.  Besides children's parties, how can they demonstrate magic is safe for everyday use?

Nine to Nine

Nine to Nine can take the usual assortment of responses.  You may answer with something spicy if you wish (and I'll do some creative censoring as needed ;3).

21. What modification(s) would you make to the Nap Box?

22. What makes Amber go "Wheeeeee!"?

23. What tech support question would you ask Jan to test his sanity?

24. What test would you give Wolf to question his sanity?

25. Best and worst venues for Steph to transform into were-Steph?

26. Phil gives workout advice.  What are they?

27. Shiera's 12-step stress management program, condensed into 1 step. What does she do?

28. Give Fina some job search and interview tips!

29. What things should Andrea say besides "Squeak" and "Meep"?

30. What's in Jessie's super secret sketchbook?

31. What's in Tor's secret box of goodies that no-one was allowed to touch during the house move?

32. Best or worst bands Phil has auditioned for?  (Name and genre of music)

33. Is there life after Tetris level 999?   Suggest some new (competitive) hobbies for the Wolf sisters.

34. Who received a strange present for Christmas or their birthday, and what was it?

35. Give Cheryl advice to boost the morale of her co-workers (Jan and Jessie).

36. Outtakes from the S&S U-tube show.  Who screwed up, and what happened?

37. It's "Bring your ________ to work day".  What brought what to work?

38. Someone receives a lucky draw $200 cash voucher at the supermarket checkout that they can't possibly use.  What was it for?

39. Give Jessie relationship advice that she will 100% misinterpret.

40. Bad timing: Who walked in on who doing what?

I hope that's enough to get some ideas going ^^ Looking forward to all the responses and silly things I'll have to draw!


Jason A Schulz

I've got another one for #23 and #24...and boy, it's a doozy! I work for a craft store. Before this, I spent thirteen years as an electronic repair tech working on computers, printers, copiers, displays, point-of-sale systems, and all sorts of other neat stuff. Tonight, during the height of Black Friday, I got to spend about an hour working on a receipt printer that got glittered. Yes, glittered. Some Karen decided to have an argument with one of our cashiers, and was emphasizing her points by shaking a collection of large, glittered artificial stems at her. (She was angry that each stem was individually priced, not grouped together.) Crafter's Cooties spread all over her and her area, and eventually worked their way inside the machine where they started screwing with the print mechanisms and other electronics. Eventually, the unit screeched to a bloody halt. Our manager contacted Tech Support, but they didn't want to do anything speedy. (Three to five days to send a replacement unit.) Boss tells them that she has an "electronics geek" in the store that could work on it if they'd let us. Amazingly, they said "Yes." Two manual downloads, a quick trip to Wal-Mart for a decent tool kit, and thirty minutes later, I'd had the thing disassembled and speck-free. I'm also proud to say that I got it back together with no extra parts and it worked the rest of the evening, How would our intrepid computer support representative or our scientific engineer deal with something like this, I wonder...

Chris Yost

Tor and Silver: After spending all of that money on a college education and degree, who's idea was it to do a U-Tube video series and how did you sell it to the other?

Oleg Zakharev

S&S 5. The gator alchemist, Warrick, mixes a "love potion" with some rather peculiar side effects. What happens? Warrick: “A dove is considered a symbol of love, so I thought I’d add that aspect to the potion. Unfortunately, I may have overdone with the attracting component” Meanwhile a “test subject” (or himself) is covered in pigeons sitting on him 12. What's the biggest thing Silver would have gotten away with, if Tor weren't in the way? Almost managing win the prestigious “The Eastern Kingdoms Poetry Award” before Tor came crashing down through the roof 9t9 30. What's in Jessie's super secret sketchbook? A not so SFW S&S U-tube show fan art 33. Is there life after Tetris level 999? Suggest some new (competitive) hobbies for the Wolf sisters. Mobile Phone Throwing

Robbie (Blinkey)

6 - He keeps up with the rabbit friends he made 8 - Sherrif's laundry duty 16 - Giving a giant dragon chin-scratches is perfect for stress relief! 30 - Some very flattering Wolf drawings