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Phil's assessment is probably accurate.

I've included an enlargement of the "Family Circus" panel because it was fun to draw :3

Plus, yesterday's Valentine's Day pic of Steph that I forgot to send out.




Oh boy an adventure through the store. This should be crazy fun. And cute pic of Steph.

Perfesser Bear

Andrea wrapped up in the carpet is a <i>hoot!</i> And which of your perverted followers sent Steph a 'suggestive' Valentine?

Kim Huett

Andrea wrapped in a carpet? Just like the story of Cleopatra being wrapped in a carpet so she could meet Julius Caesar in the most dramatic way possible,

Glenn Sellers

Family Circus? Now, there's a comic I haven't even thought of in many years and haven't seen since Bil Keane died. I always did love those maps that Mr. Keane would draw.


Phil, are you sure you don't want to leave the two in the ball pit and go on yourself? Also, there is a "meep" missing with the carpet-wrapped Andrea.


Family Circus Tor and Andrea is adorable. ^.^


Ze map of shopping session makes me afraid about Phil and Shiera .......... I think zat Steph's valentine's card come from Brighttail

Major Matt Mason

Flustered Steph is totes dorbs. ❤️❤️❤️


a typical retail/grocery store.... Welcome to their nightmare


The Family Circus pastiche is, indeed, primo.


But !!! It's not a typical retail/grocery store : it's an IDEA shop . More worse than your worst nightmare

Leo G.

I resent that implication. I have never once, in more than 4 decades of life, sent a lewd valentine.

jay maechtlen

IKEA is arranged so the only easy way to go is all the way through it.


Each time I go there I get lost in the maze and expect to meet up with the Minotaur