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I'm not saying I've hoarded extra stubby pencils and paper measuring tape, but my family definitely has :P

Bonus points if you can recognize Tor's dance in panel 4 :3



Kim Huett

If this is how happy stubby pencils makes Tor I can’t wait to see how he feels about the meatballs.


Yellow bags, blue bags, "hej!" signs, those pencil boxes/measuring tape hangers... apparently all I?EA shops *do* look the same, irrespective of the continent they're on!


Only ONE blue bag they took home? I call unrealistic!!!! :-)


I can confirm this, this looks familiar even in Germany.

Glenn Sellers

Shades of Snoopy. I haven't seen that dance in many years.


All old persons have no problem to identify ze Snoopy dance ^_^ ................. Zis strip makes me afraid about how Tor and Andrea will furnish zeir new house


Their excitement matches mine when I went to the dealers den at Anthrocon for the first time ^_^


Awesome :)


Gencon Gaming Con in 1986 ...spent all my monies the first day :)

Rei Loire

That is snoopy dance


Agree with Rei..., the Snoopy dance!

David Ewell

That's my dog's dance. *fist pumps*


Panther, you are calling us, who know about Snoopys Happy Dance, old, and that's untrue, we are not that old! Really. Just because I have watched the old Peanuts cartoons on the TV when they were released doesn't mean I am..... ohfckamiolddamn.... no, I'm NOT that old!!!


I am ;) ever heard of cathode ray black an white TV?


Hey , silly guys ; i've said zat "All old persons have no problem to identify ze Snoopy dance" . And not : "- Only old persons can identify ze Snoopy dance" XD