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An idea came up on Discord chat today about asking the readers to name the fox and the roo from the adventuring group in Swords and Sausages.  I have never given them names; they're simply referred to as "Fox" and "Roo" in my scripts.  So yeah, I'm up for giving these two proper names.  I'd like them to have reasonable names that feel right and fit both their personalities and the S&S world.  Just first names will do ^^

Here are some quick character sheet specs to help ideas along:


  • Age: 25
  • Class: Longbowman
  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Your typical support character.  Highly resourceful; always helping the party behind the scenes; shies away from the spotlight.  Generally quiet, is highly loyal to his friends, but also reliant on them.
  • Possible names: Terry feels like a reasonable choice, but it doesn't fit super well (and yes I'm aware of the unintentional reference to the IRL person).  An unassuming name would be preferable.


  • Age: 27
  • Class: Melee swordsman
  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • The charismatic, de facto leader of the adventuring group.  Steadfast, driven by principals.  Sees himself as a do-gooder ridding the world of harm.  Highly protective of his friends and is willing to take one for the team.
  • Possible names: Maximillian, Rand, James.  Something that's a mix of heroic and humility.

Let's see what you all can come up with :3  You may submit as many names as you want; again I'm looking for fit and feel.  Feel free to explain your thoughts behind your suggestions.  If you like someone's idea, upvote it!




For the Fox how about Old english - Ethelred. The roo - Sadwrn


How about naming the Fox, Pip, and the Roo, Rudyard?