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I want to go to Waffle-con, too!

Incidentally, this is strip #255, a hexadecimally-significant number :3

Just a reminder, there will be lots of cameo slots coming for the duration of the convention arc.  I need lots of background characters.  If you haven't submitted your character for inclusion already, please do so at https://patreon.tigerknight.net/user/login

I have downloaded the current Patreon membership list to keep track of cameos.  You will get at least one cameo slot if either: 1.) you are currently pledging $10+/month or 2.) your lifetime pledge total is at least $30.  $10/month patrons get to have multiple cameo slots if I run out of characters.

That aside... if you have (furry) convention stories/memes/interactions you'd like to see, and/or have your character to be involved in, comment below!  (Keeping in mind most "fursuits" featured will be Tetris costumes.)  In my notes, I have: Elevator breaking, fursuit parade, charity auction, debate panels, 3 a.m. fire alarm prank, dance competition to the Tetris theme, karaoke, con game that no one plays, fursuits in the swimming pool, convenience store pizza, adult section of the dealers den, unauthorized room parties.



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