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I will be away the latter half of December (15th-31st), so it's AMA time!  Send in questions you want to ask the characters.

Tip: Ask questions to specific characters -- they are easier to answer.  Questions addressed to the entire cast take longer to draw, and I want to have at least 3 or 4 AMAs to publish during the break ^^

December publishing schedule:

9-Dec: S&S page 11-41, 9t9 #197
16-Dec: 9t9 #198
23-Dec: 9t9 #199, AMA #98-99 (?)
25-Dec: Christmas bonus pic (hopefully)
30-Dec: AMA #100-101 (?)


EJ Husky

To Jan, Phil, Thor, and Wolf: Who has the better and stronger abs?


To Tor and Jan : why you both , the strongest felines , have a vixen as girlfriend ? Copying each other ?