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Hi folks,

I've created a Discord server to complement the Telegram channelfor anyone unable to install the Telegram app.  If you don't have a Discord account, create one here: https://discordapp.com/register  (no additional software installation necessary)

Then click this link to join the public announcement channel: https://discord.gg/R3zNx7A

There is also a patron-only chat channel where I intend to post more frequent WIP updates or anything I'm working on at the moment.  To access this channel, go to your Account Settings page, then click "Connect to Discord", and enter your Discord username/password. Log in, and then click "Authorize".

More detailed instructions are available here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-

Those of you who added your Discord account to Patreon should automatically be in the server already.  I found that out unexpectedly from a small explosion of notifications  earlier (sorry about that!)





I have Discord, but it's not showing you. Worse one of the links (Public Announcement) says it can't connect to my MacBook. Weird...


Follow the more detailed instructions in the link above. It will authorize you to see the patron-only chat channel.