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Good news, we did it!  You should've received an email newsletter from Patreon saying they are *not* rolling out the fee changes.  Thank you everyone for sending Patreon feedback, staying put and not jumping ship, and thank you to those of you who reinstated your pledges.  You guys are the best <3

I am going to send Patreon some additional ideas for improving their pledge/charging system.  If you have ideas too, I encourage you to send them feedback.

I am still going to develop the non-Patreon subscription system for the folks who have left for good, and for the few readers who preferred supporting through other means.  I am in much less of a time crunch to program that now, but it will get done :)

As for upcoming updates:

  • I will be adding an optional mailing address field to the reward levels for those of you who would like to receive physical rewards, and to open that door in general.  Will let you know once that's implemented.
  • Banner ads will disappear from tigerknight.com starting January 2018!  Comparing my Project Wonderful (the ad network) statistics vs. server page loads, a large majority of readers block the ads anyway, and the ad revenue has fallen such that they can no longer pay for web hosting.  So, it's all up to the Patreon campaign now -- you guys are supporting the comics 100% :)  Also, removing ads from my site means I am no longer seeking page loads, so I am now free to post the full comics around the web, which hopefully can bring in additional readership (versus the thumbnails & "read more" links I've been posting).

So, that's all for now.  Again, thank you everyone for your support <3  Let me get back to doing what I do best -- drawing comics!

- Happy Jan :3



That's a good new YAY


Glad to see the site is in such good health! Also glad they backed off on the fee structure. I don’t believe I received a email saying that they where backing off. Maybe they are keeping low hoping most won’t notice.