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Hey everyone!

The public release for Zombie's Retreat - Beta 0.15 is available now for Windows & Android devices!

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== Beta 0.15 ==

This new update continues the main storyline for Zombie's Retreat 2.  After completing the events of The Underground with Lucy, talking to her back at home will automatically progress the story to the new story contents.  

After the initial events in The Underground, Lucy's more determined than ever to find the answers surrounding the Camp Zomi Crisis as well as the events in Crimson City.  After arriving in a new district, a strange, perverted plant threatens the investigation!


I hope you all enjoy playing through this new update!  It was quite a fun one to work on and I'm excited to continue sharing more of the storyline with you all!

In the meantime, work is beginning on the next update, Beta 0.16.  I'll be talking more about this one very soon!

Thank you all so much for playing Zombie's Retreat 2!




There's atypo in Lucy's scene. She says "if i knew better,..." it should be "If i didn't know any better..." the way it is is doesn't amke sense. Small, seemingly viual gug, after the plant fight, if you use herbs, it consumes them but does nto replenish hearts, however once your're back home the hearts get replenished , by the amount of herbs you used. I thnik you overdidi it a little with the bouncyness of Lycy and news anchor. maybe increse the time between frames a little. they just so jelly-like now :D. The car train XD im sorry but couldn't stop laughing at it, i get the shape design and all, maybe add actual hact in the roof though, and change walls texture so it looks more mettalic, some graffiti on the walls too maybe ?And lastly, Fiona nad Lucy's scnes, they seem to have very little variance (in text) between 1st time and second, Especially fiona she pretty much repaets the same exact text ? jamie is fine btw