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Hey everyone!

Quick update before getting back to work in Crimson City-

== Release Date ==

I am planning to release Zombie's Retreat - Beta 0.15 on either Friday (Sept 29th) or Saturday (Sept 30th) for $5+ ZR2 Patrons!

This week is very busy because I'm also planning to release an update for another one of my games, House Chores tomorrow.

So in the case that I need a little more time to comfortably finish up the ZR2 update, I might need a few extra days in October.  Hoping to avoid that but sometimes updates don't always wrap up as smooth as I'd like.  But sometimes they do, so I'll keep everyone informed even further as this week continues on! 


Quite a hectic week so thank you all for being patient with me as I work to get these updates out!  I hope you all find it to be worth the wait!

See you all soon with more Zombie's Retreat 2!


Scott Guy

Wait...we're getting House Chores AND ZR2 the SAME WEEK??!! *grabbing my chest* I'm coming Elizabeth! Dis is da big one!!!