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Happy weekend everyone!

Just wanted to take some time and talk about the state of this next ZR2 update including   when/what you can expect from it!

== Release Window ==

My goal is to have this update released by the end of this month!  However, that is still not 100% certain quite yet.  As usual, I'll provide a more accurate release date as we get closer!

Some of the art is still a WIP so that will play an important factor on when it'll release too!

== Update Contents ==

Jenny is going to be getting 1 new NSFW scene in this update.  My plans are for her story to include a lot of 'group' activities so her solo story won't be as deep as Meredith for example.  

To fill in the gap for only having 1 additional scene, there's a new scene that's a WIP for Meredith!  Early sketches of this new scene are looking great so I'm excited to include this one.


That's everything for this update!  Short & sweet but I want to make sure you're all up to speed on how the game's progressing.  

Thank you all so much for your support and I'll see you soon probably with a teaser and then more update news!




@Siren's Domain I just found out about your Patreon but I played the first "zombies retreat" a while ago (2 years ago I think?) but I never got to finish it. Is it necessary to finish the first game before Zombies Retreat 2? Thanks in advance!


I hope you don't mind me asking, but is there an official walkthrough for Zombie's Retreat 1 (ver 1.0.4)?


There is a walkthrough on the games itch page. https://sirensdomain.itch.io/zombiesretreat


That's the old walkthrough, I remember using that back then. I think it wasn't updated for the current version 1.0.4 because the sprites in the pdf are still from the older versions


It looks like the guide is up to date. I assume the creator didn't want to redo all the art in the pdf.