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Hey everyone!

In case you missed the announcements on Twitter, the second ever Character Showdown (name pending) concluded!  This was a fun community-led tournament pitting all of the characters from across all of my games together in a popularity contest on Discord.

The first ever version of this tournament happened last summer and Leslie (ZR1) was the winner of that tournament!  This time around, the winner, by a very close vote was Meredith!  With Rachel (ZR1) in second place.

Something I decided I want to do for winners of these tournaments is try and include a special scene for them in their respective game(s).  So with Leslie & Meredith both being winners, I'm going to try my best to squeeze in some special content for the two of them later this year!  Scarlett (the lead artist) is incredibly busy right now so it's gonna take some time until I can work on this content but do keep an eye out for it!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Character Showdown as well as Zara who ran the entire thing.  We're going to try and do these once a year so there will be another chance to vote for your favorite. 

In the meantime, stay tuned for a first look of the new update soon.  I hope you all have a happy new year and I will see you all soon!




Happy New Year