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Hey everyone!  The public release for the first update of Zombie's Retreat 2 is finally out!

Download Link

The Android version is live now as well finally so you can play on either Windows or Android devices now!


Final reminder about this build- instead of delaying the release to late May, I decided to split the focus of this build for a release in late April and another in late May.

Beta 0.2 focuses on introducing the early storyline for Meredith (+an NSFW scene) as well as finishes a lot of technical obstacles that I was having (namely, The Grid's building system).  Quest journal is re-implemented, rescuing characters is possible again, Android version, etc.  From here, I can focus more on the actual story, new maps, and of course, more NSFW content!

Coming later this month, Beta 0.3 will release which will introduce some NSFW content for Jenny, the beginning of Lucy's storyline, and I'm hoping to add quite a bit more areas to explore/activities to do!  

With that said, I'm pretty happy with how 0.2 turned out.  I think The Grid's building menu feels pretty solid and will be a good system moving forward when more facilities/structures are able to be built.  Also, with Beta 0.2.1, I'm testing a slightly improved scene player which now allows you to hide the text box and view the animation during each 'faster' option box.  Let me know your thoughts on this!


That's everything for this update.  I'll see you very soon, probably Thursday, with the official 'reveal' of Beta 0.3 where I'll talk about what's coming in the next update!  Thank you all so much for your support and I'll see you very soon!



Evander Hernandez-Lettnecker

The bathroom scene was great I love the deep connection these characters already have and I look forward to see the final game and the rest of the scenes and the interactions with them I'd love to see the trickster make a reappearance that would be awesome they were interesting and see what they would look like as a character