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Hey everyone!

It feels like ages ago but it's only been a week since the public release of Zombie's Retreat 2 - Beta 0.1 went live.  If you're new here, you'll learn quickly, this train doesn't stop.  It's time to start looking forward to the next update, Beta 0.2!

== Beta 0.2 Contents ==

Beta 0.2 is going to be mostly the 'second half' of the initial Beta 0.1 update.

- NSFW Content -

This update will finally bring about some real NSFW content to Zombie's Retreat 2.  The focus is going to be on the START of both Meredith & Jenny's stories.  I imagine their stories will be longer than most characters so everything can't be fit into one update.  They will likely need 2 or 3 updates just to go from start to finish.  I plan to spread these updates out amongst other characters to have some diversity in each update.

There was 0 NSFW content in Beta 0.1 because I felt cramming that content would be heavily rushing the character development & build up to those scenes.  I was surprised that I personally never read any negative responses to this decision.  Thank you for understanding!  You won't have to wait much longer to get some action going in Crimson City ;)

- Rescuing Women -

Currently, no women are able to be rescued and recruited.  I plan to add a survivor or two in this build to start working on that feature.  These characters won't have NSFW scenes yet but that will all come in due time as certain updates will focus on these characters in particular.

One thing I'm a little undecided about is how to go about the Motel.  I was thinking maybe when a woman is rescued and moves in, her door becomes custom theme to match.  This may make it easier for players to know where each woman is staying.  If you have other ideas to help solve this issue (rather than each door being blank) let me know!

- The Grid -

The last main thing I want to focus on is the first implementation of The Grid.  I got around to the basic mechanics in the previous update but I wasn't able to implement it all in time.  With Beta 0.2, I want to make some of the early facilities able to be constructed.  This will include Fiona's Workshop as well as likely a Garden & Water Supply system to help players start building sustainable resource gatherers.

Once the early functions of The Grid are added, I think this will really set the groundwork for the potential of this mechanic.  Players should start getting a glimpse at some of the creative freedoms that this base will allow.  The goal is to make it quite a big step up from the base building in ZR1 and hopefully go a little above and beyond what some would expect from a hentai game haha.


That's about everything for this update.  It's a bit of a quicker one but this build still has much work to be done.  In future updates, I'll start sharing some teasers of NSFW scenes as well as unveiling some new characters!  

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon with more information!




You may or may not have answered this already but will the story of ZR1 AND ZR2 be linked or are the campers all finished?


The story is definitely linked. For the most part, the ZR1 campers stories are finished but some may make an appearance eventually ;)


To just slightly expand on your door idea. Maybe an image on the door. For example if you have a police officer being rescued and recruited maybe a badge or handcuffs or just a police siren lights. Could possibly have it so that they have a custom wall that has a hint at who lives in where.


I can't wait 😁 Totally loved ZR1 and really looking forward to ZR2 for Android. Great work brother!