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UPDATE: Download links changed from Beta 0.14 to Beta 0.14.1

Hey everyone!

The latest build of Zombie's Retreat - Beta 0.14 is available NOW for all $5+ ZR Patrons!

IMPORTANT: Out of respect for all the $5+ Patrons and the team that works so hard on Zombie's Retreat, please refrain from sharing this build/link with others.  




This is a pretty surreal post as it hasn't entirely hit me.  But the base story of Zombie's Retreat... is complete!

I had some of the most fun working on this game with this build.  It's a bit shorter than the others but keep in mind, boss fights tend to take up the most of my time to design.  I'm stoked with how things turned out in this one! 

WARNING: The final boss... is difficult.  And it's meant to be.  There are some cheap shots, some surprises, and in general, it's fast paced.  However, I think it's designed in a way that with a couple of tries, folks who are really struggling may pick up on the patterns.  I want it to be rewarding!  You've got this!  Also on Android & Easy mode, the final phase isn't active so hopefully that helps make things a bit more fair.

IMPORTANT: This is most certainly NOT the last update to Zombie's Retreat.  I have two more planned and the final one will likely be a pretty big one in terms of gameplay & events.  We're not done with Camp Zomi just yet ;)

With all of that said, I hope you enjoy playing this update and thank you, from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and the game on this journey.  I'll save the mushy thank you's for the last update this fall!  Until then.  Get your swimsuits ready for the summer!

Thank you all so much for your support!  I hope you enjoy ZR Beta 0.14! 




There a typo in the professor scene it got spelled as proffessor


when is the public drop