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Hey guys!

Normally I don't do back to back progress reports but I can now make some more 'official' statements about what's going on!

== Release Date ==

Can't give an exact date but I'm aiming for a Late May release.  I like to release builds on the weekends as I imagine most people are free but I also don't like to release builds when a new month changes midway as that causes confusion and complications with pledges.  I'm hoping to have it released to $5+ ZR Patrons on May 23rd but if that's not possible, then it'd likely be May 30th.

I'll have a more clear date announced as this next week passes!

== Android Build ==

This has been quite a rocky roller coaster if you follow Town of Passion news.  I had struggled with a lot of technical issues on the Android port of that game and after almost giving up on the project, I think I was able to find a way to get it stable enough to be a decently smooth experience.

Now that that's all figured out, I expect that I can do the same with Zombie's Retreat.  My goal is to launch the Android build simultaneously with the PC build for Beta 0.7.  I can't promise this will happen, but I'm working extra hard to try and accomplish that!

== New Download Links ==

In order to consolidate and easily keep track of download links, I'm moving the public build download links to the Zombie's Retreat itch.io page.  When you click the link, you'll be taken to a ZR itch page where you can see a 'Download Now' button just below the banner.  

When the Android build is released, you'll see a download for both the PC version (.rar) and the Android version (.apk).  Currently, it's just the .rar file.

You do NOT need to sign up or pay money to download from itch so don't worry about that!  Downloads also tend to be very reliable on itch and it may even lead you to find other talented game designers working on their own great projects!


That's everything!  The next update will likely be a teaser for $3+ patrons and then the next build should be released afterwards!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon =D




Keep up the good work! Love how the game so far. Can't wait to see further updates.


Hey I found the public release version of the game a few days ago and I have to say I've really loved it so far. I don't know if this is the right spot for, but I think I ran into a glitch in that version that seems to prevent me from using any weapons soon after venturing out with Natasha. Is there a better spot to give you more details if you need them?


There was a specific door in Natasha's original house that was causing that issue. There may be another place somewhere else causing the issue too but until I find it I've created sort of a 'soft fix' when you go in/out of the lodge to explore!


I just tried returning to the house and it seems to have fixed it. Thank you