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Hey guys!

Shortly after the first hotfix went live, I was notified of a pretty nasty sequence break.

If you explored in the library with Caroline AND with a flashlight in your inventory, the bookshelf had a mysterious 'hole' in it.  This allowed you to access story content earlier than expected and if you do so, it will ruin your save file's progress.

That's been patched out now along with some other notable glitches.  If your save file was affected, unfortunately there is no way to fix it so I do apologize about that inconvenience.

Thank you to everyone who's continued to leave feedback and report glitches!



I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this bug, but I lost the ability to shoot my gun. I'm on my way with Rachel to retrieve a boombox when I realize, at the Lake View, my gun won't shoot. I've tried switching weapons, I can't. I've tried switching key to fire to a different key, doesn't work. I continued along to the cut scene hoping that it would somehow magically fix the problem, I died to the boss. Sorry if it sounds like a angry rant, I'm not mad. Seemed like a good place to take a break.


I have met this bug in 0.5, cannot change weapon or fire. So I reload the save. Till now it doesn`t happen again.


Hmmm, then my save must be bugged now. I've tried loading my save and also restarting the game. Guess I'll start a new game another time.