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Hey guys!

So I realized that there could have been some confusing wording in the last update, so let me explain in pretty large detail, what's happening with Beta 0.5!


There are NEW scenes coming to the build!

When I said that there was no 'focus', I meant that there wasn't a particular character who was receiving all of the attention in this build.  The focus is shared between Natasha, two new busts, and a scene with one of those new characters.  About the same amount of content as usual if things go according to schedule.

However, as I mentioned before, Scarlett took some time off during the holiday season due to illness and likely just to enjoy the holiday season.  She's always incredibly busy, working on way more than just ZR so if she wants time off, I believe she 100% deserves it.  Fortunately, this build works in a way where it's not imperative that each scene that's requested be finished on time.

Currently, the scene with Natasha is finished.  If the other scene is not done in time, I will likely still release the build in Jan, and publish a smaller update whenever she does finish it to include the second scene.  That way Patrons can get as much out of their pledges as possible!  There's still plenty of time though so I'll keep you guys updated on that.

== New Features ==

On top of the scenes, I've spent a lot of time refining the gameplay even more in this build.  

A feature that I'm particularly happy about is the addition of a weapon swap button.  Now, you can see which weapon you have equipped and with a single key press, you can switch.  This is MUCH more convenient than having to go back into the menu to equip a new weapon.

I've also experimented with the projectile plugin and am introducing a melee weapon and have learned how to implement other weapons too!  I think you guys will enjoy having more options as the game progresses!


And that's about everything for this update!  Thank you all for your continued support and hopefully that clarifies any potential confusion!  I know the vast majority of you guys are understanding and patient with us as we work to get the game completed so I appreciate that immensely! <3  Thank you!




pretty underwhelming update.